The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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I HnnSEHOLP GODS FOR SALE MnsiCflt INSTRUMENTS MR- PLANT? SEEPS TREES GLAMOR GIRLS By Don Flowers 1 40 P0TJLTRT AND SUPPLIES Mnnfsv TMF MIAMI MFRAiQ anaary 12 Ml 1 -FOR MISCELLANEOns BOILERS OH BURNERS hfat- I new and usd in stock For apart- SALE- bR5 NOvachorp n-an nano njr-t aver- annuals i 5 ebushej ero-hauled walnut finisn iiono Suit-' tons hibiscus lxora vines low-able home or club Ph 58-2277 cost 3513 6th Ave 32 nd BUILDING TRADES miidiiic trade: GENERAL REPlf -RABBITS AND SUPPLIES and STEIN WAY grand looks piay 1 I Rl llf RS tuaranteed as nrw CREAGER riAXO CO 2264 Coral Way Ph 48-1306 CONSTRUCTION foreman W'lll build PJNTING patch nlatejma cpen-for ow ner direct 20 years Miami oht i2 Dick Driscoll Ph 73-9050 MHKMFiJS your home- pha 83-04 CONSOLE R-fibe Admiral rati'" losi erhauled i50 6J58 VV 42nd St PEDROOM group early American distinctive Colonial design a 11-rrnplr grnu consists of large 4-draw-er vanity Yth la rue swing mirror hie 3-drawer drrsscr and 5-drawcr chest with twin or full-size beds Vamtv reduced to S4950 dressed reduced to J49 50 chest reduced to it 50 beds reduced to $2250 BURDINE WAREHOUSE SALES 8th St TOMATO plants 5 a 1 OOfi 75c a inn Pepper plants $1 50 a inn 1 block west Ludlum Rd 22nd 1 is- CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES WE Bt'Y SELL ITAPF 1 VEV FOREIGN DOMESTIC REPAIRS DADE CAMERA SHOP 6814 Biscavne Blvd Ph 78-2100 EMPLOYEES' BUSINESS SERVICES I PAINTING carpentry flooring HOUSEHOLD I plastering and masonry Repairs and new work Ph 7-1186 Lnable WANT TO BUY or rent smnet or -mallpranri Box Q-133 Herald GOING out of business Baby grand pnno reconditioned S400: many other bargains Miami Music Shop 411 Miami Ave Open Sunday SUGGESTION mmu norei ia unnries cleaners 1 industrial and domestic project-i Fla Fuel OH Inc 350 73ra St Ph 7-1663 METAL WOOD Navy Surplus All Types Cheap I 100' Wool Army Blankets 53 50 ROYAL SALES AND SALVAGE CO 400 79th St TYPEWRITER Royal standard ex- cellent condition $45 SPEEDOPRINT Mimcisranh A-l condition $15 Ph 3-6587 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ROM AX Be CONNECTORS 'A-IN TUBING He -IN TUBING AWNINGS I William HhisiuL(i aro son ZE in hand-surfacm ncfiisea coniractors ana ouiicer- All 7335 and building up dipper teeth draC line buckets and expert welding on heavy equipment Manufacture of any tvDe tank and fabriraunc will contract for homes stores and alterations good mortsase contracts 73-9835 and 7-5478 New or repa: LYON A- HEALY large upright ma- BUY sell exchange cameras rosany piano $100 21 11th Allapattah Camera Shop 13464 17th Ave Corner 35th St ARCHITECTS NEW CONSTRUCTION remodeling steel for ail purposes Our welden Anderson fc Bahn Ph 4-7398 I are certified and work zuaranteed GOING out of business Electric WANTED cameras and nroiectors guitars were £60 now J0: many Jackson's Camera Stores I rORGtOUS 9-nirce Berkley and Gay Queen Anne dinning room fuite Cost new $2500 Need spaic Sacrifice Ph 9-627 UNFINISHED chest well sanded solid masnoha wood at closeout prices: 5-drawcr chet 19 75: 5-(lrawer chest $1750: 4-rlr'vver chest $1450 and 3-drawer commode VAVILOFF architect announces the opening of his new office Ph 48-0340 other bargains Miami Music Shop 411 i a 1 Ave Op en Su nday 60 Flagler Ph 2-3630 236 Biscavne Blvd Ph 9-5305 SPEED GRAPHIC 4 by 5 German lens Rangef nider Flash gun ANo complete dark room equipment Ph 4-6628 WE SPECIALIZE on buildm 1 and -C Tank Co T' P- I 4" houses also additions and Bo: 424 Miarm Sprircs repairs: we have a well-trained crew gpar 36th St bridge on of mechanics and materials on hand: River Drive no job too small or too large: we GENERAL remodeling for you the loan to build at teratiors painting and roofing a price you can afford We are li i Hanco*ck Bros Ph 78-3237 censed and bonded contractors of (-- -r- t-t nncntrivn Miami Miami Beach and Coral 1 OL TILL BRLAKlNG Gable? Please call 48-1119 and ask LOOSE with corrosion around your chest $l0 9n WESER BROS upright mahogany medium fine tone $25 down balance monthly or will rent Turner's -417 Biscaync Blvd Ph 2-2519 LESTER BETSY ROSS spinet piano a 1 nii i i Oin FRANK BRADLEY 2312 i-: S- H- Ph 48-3525 149 BUILDERS' EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 'a-bag concrete Will deliver Ph 48-8393 l' IN CONDUIT DUPLEX RECEPTACLES 25r 4-CIRCUIT MAIN and range $750 EDISOX 738 62nd St Ph 7 651 9 STEPPING STONES concrete large 35c each Howard Ph 88-1882 BURDINE WAREHOUSE SALES 605-609 Rlh St FOR SALE 4x5 camera and all accessories Harrison color meter and GOOD LIVING ROOM lurniture in- 1 aww' RENTAL Electric saws concrete i for Svrc estimates Diaz Construction) bathtub and drainboard' Let me series 6 filter set Leica and tast- Sax and man reflex with filters etc Gome chair library tablet desk old vie- GOING out of business fix it Also general repairs and al- boxes I Company equipment steel tiola Bargain Ph 4-4858 9-0 Al- 1 case was $130 now $40: many mortar Ph 3-62 GLOBE'S greatest cut-rate wholesale distributors offers novelties sundries toys gifts to shrewd buvers Globe Trading Co 109 VV Flasler RELIABLE contractors New build- tera' ions- Ph 48-2297 wheelbarrows carmen Ave Coral Gables I ot tier bargains Miami Music Shop ings additions and aiteratio: Residential and commercial Phone 133 14 LATHI RS BABY CARRIAGE and nlavpen in another business Sell at cost Ph 48-3290 ONE 5x7 portrait camera and holders enlareer and other equipment for sale cheap Apply Monday 112 10th St BUILDING SUPPLIES ELGIN OUTBOARD motor like new 50 1156 Miami Ave 48-9992 1ST-CLASS 1 SET LEEDY VIBRAPHONES- -2 1 octaves See at 3761 27th practically new Call between 9 and 11 a or 7 to 9 58-3259 euaran'eed Call Bassett -7464 day FOR GENERAL repairs new con- or bunole 760 AGE LOCKS Ter or call Tilron 48-819 Birgcr 7-1415 struction Call A Meyer Sons mshts 79th St Ph BIHKm KK II OAS RADIATOR Peilec 3x2 garage HAMMOND NOVACORD Model 14 1 J' lUimi Bpacf I 2 added amplifiers Cheap A-l Contractors ince 1908 Ph WadB It RED CtREEN Trucking Co 2' 4X3' 4 GRAPHIC flash holders Weston meter filters and case $225 821 123rd St Ph 7-0153 1 or 78-5936 AIR COMPRESSOR EST-INGHOUSE ELECTRIC 2-STAGE 33 CFM CHEAP 1 1 TO' FDO POWER DRIVE RoyaJ Sales Salvage Co 400-402 79th St sod and fill condition Box 1608 Hollywood Prompt 14 SOn SRFntinnM arrl h'h framr HKbl-tLAfeb 7a Rock sand IMaaBWaPHiawy £-'Cv delivery Ph Ph 2-8256 brick 2-7030 -2312 fireplace and stone Call PHOTOGRAPHY developing equipment complete 2120 32nd Street construction Living room and dinette Plastered walls hardwood Innrmp fitr harh on GOING out of business Trumpets new were $95 now $60: many othei bargains Miami Music Shop 411 Miami Ave Open Sunday CEMENT IJ IMNTINf FIREWOOD CIROFLEX Alpha camera wth REFRIGERATORS Immediate delivery Five 7 cu ft four 4 cu ft Apex washing machines 3 ABC's Terms 1210 62nd St Phone 7-0624 Open Sunday 10 to 2 KELVIN ATOR 6" 5 months old $175 cash 3032 67th St 125th St GET READY for cold weather Order your firewood now Hialeah Wood Co 79h St and 39tli Aw PIANO Stein way arand excellent your lot same house CBS 15386 Licensed and in-Ph 4-2722 Mr Stark will igure sured interior and exterior 31 your plan and save you money years painting industry 34o2 wii Bittf i-ni Himiov if rnn Miami Ave PllS 3-3073- vou a SI 50 PER BAG 47 or Phone 78-4290 PLYWOOD "That's All" condition Ph 4-7969 2370 17th St n-D-tii ree qeuvery an nourj on Mnnriav have SI 200 rash Will imarre We have private money Ph 2-7030 mnnt'h shown in your home hotel nw htlf h- 1 etc Complete features Indi- oid Selling because buying special Dv gun-: fi-in -J'-n Acme Plywood Co Wti Ask tor Kaiser SOLVE YOUR painting problems Call Hilton Henry Ph 3-3247 FALL special Painting and paper-hanging Lowest prices in town Fine work all guaranteed Licer led and insured Ph 4-6996 Cherry Bros AIR COMPRESSORS We-t SUPPLIES IRELAND EQUTPMENT CO 2405 2nd Ave Ph 9-7621 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES BUILD OX YOUR LOT- Ph 3-4748 5th Sr I I tffiXWft loi Ph 9-5292 BEAUTIFULLY deigned two-bed MIAMI MILLWORK LUMBER CO room CBS house complete 'n LIVING room suite 3-piece solid rock maple consists of 2 spring-BM1 lounge chairs and 3-sprmg-seat sofa tme construcon attractive Colonial design with hand-rubbed finish reduced to clear at $119 BURDINE'S WAREHOUSE SALES 605-609 8th St DOUBLE iron oed complete laie wicker table kitchen table and two chairs chrome legs used one month 728 4th St Architectural Millwork rc -v a 1 Ph 2-3136 details tile roof tile bath landscap- FIRST CLASS painting and ROMAX connectors J2 tube ceptacle mam and ranges GOING OUT OE BUSINESS Miami Music Shop 11th St Cal nroof-g Fre imares etc for S7900 FHA fnancing: RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC machine chrome top sugar dispensers $475 doz creamers Royal Sales Salvage 400 79th Crawford 3-2330 (171 MASON'S SAND TOP SOIL sand fill rock fill save Ph 9-1772 To 41 1 Miami Ave Onen Sunday other wiring materials Royal Saloi Salvage Co 400 79th St SEVERAL good rebuilt typewriters Phillips Typewriter Co 209 Alcazar Ph 48-8331 low down oanient DEMPSEY CONSTRUCTION- CO 2115 17th Ave P--- 158 i Bl DING PI VNS field VIOLIN'S were 5 100 now $35: A TE PR OO FIN BY LICENSED insured experts Average house $45 Also economics! trterior painting Pay as little as S5 per month DADE DECORATORS drums were l40 now $20 electric FORMICA COUNTERS TABLFS 1155 j-BURNER oil stove with oven 22nd Ter Ph 4-5932 WHAT IS ON YOUR WANT LIST? NAILS pipe hardware plumbing paint or electrical supplies: we have it See us today We can supply your needs "After you've been here awhile you'll learn thdt there die better firms work for" LARGE Coldspot refrigerator bottle HOUSE PLAN SERVICE Complete details low cost free estimates: beatra now $4 to $20 amplifier WITH CHROME BASES SAND- Wert 100 to 50 now 50 to 20 WICH UNITS 2 TONE BOOTHS Many other bargains Come in and PLASTIC AR vlCHAIRS STAINLESS see them STEEL SINKS co*ckTAIL UNITS GOING out ol business Clarine's IMPORTED AND CHROME CHAIRS Ph 78-2161 Fl I iDRFxfFMT also ail types construction Plans psivmT inwmr mrf fvtnnr MURRAY 'Formerly Robert Leon- Bas stove water heater metal cabinet sink Good condition 3303 27th Ave COMPLETE fireplace set PHONE £-6106 ardt 1532 62nd Open till FHA and buildingcode approved Ph waterproofing caulking: reason- i v-'i mnl i 129 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 MISCELLANEOUS rrVTi-nrc ii iiTiirrT -r wood were 12 60 many SIOULS CtiLlNU 1-ANto TKKMS 1 clock Sun tor your conv emence vi mi chnn l-i- ti rr rni-irnrrvT -M iiyjuj iviluuj Jftn tiecuic a urvvai ur vuu WXIr ei invihinc '-ubj 43 no Kiver ur i sble prices: licensed and Insured Office 311 Open Satirdiys Call A Hill Ph 73-1056 CLOSET iiV -v Vi vr rii-n i'nrf 1 FACTORY to you Lowest prices i hp 1 phase with 2 16-mch rip phone Ben 2-3480 before 6 AROMATIC RED CEDAR Round cot 4 PAIR of lined drape CYPRESS V-GROOVE jj tv -i ir tu-jujj Ail lypCS FREE ESTIMATES oy i blades Armv shack 16x16 Aporoxi- SEWING machines Singers Whites i LINING FLORIDA DESIGNS SERVICE "Covers the South Like the Sun" IF ITS DONE with paint xre it Ph A id: 43-8844 9-5247 mahogany with BROWN GLARAN I EEI) PIAMOS tee table light Xcw Soda Fountain our light engineers Immediate de- niately 10 kegs of nails 8-10-12-16 BASE TYPE CASING Ph test prices r-0466 Ci SI )8-Ofl02 CASH OR TERMS glass top PH 169 20TH ST PAINTING waterproofin caulking READY for construction Dlans for I MET AND DMRY CV3ES $395 livery i common Corner Indian Creek and RESTAURANT' HOTEL" KITCHEN FLUORESCENT MFG CO 39th St Ph 58-9586 BAR EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 1 JL -6" St Ph -2-0L3- OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR $25 85 165 Small jobs preferred C'ean wors BEDROOM suite solid oak New XiA-Zi UViV cordinon 935 52nd St plaAer- TliPrRJlLw' Call 48-5111 and references furn WEARING APPAREL ERMINE COAT appraised al 13000 Will sacrifice $950 Ph 9-0111 FOR RENT 'a-bag concrete mixers and wheelbarrows Pn 2-7666 2651 20th St for free estimates 495 495 GREEN BAND CUPS $375 lvKHb 6312 Biscayne Blvd WINTER spinet an types ot modern ouiidmss fha and Building Code Approved Reasonable fee OTHER design services EALDWIN Acromome spinet RBYS collapeiblic carriage baa erte and Teeter Babe Jumper $17 Just like new 1020 2nd St Apt 18 hxrlnnette like new Ail hahv BEST PRICES paid Men cothmg STEEL REINFORCING rod '4- 3n" 34" cut and delivered cents PHONE Rcid' 9-4401 38 yea s' ex-penence five residential work FOR GOOD PAINTING reasonably priced call 3-7933 shoes 708 2nd Ave CABLE studio PEASE baby grand q'-' FORMICA STAINLESS COUNTER ALL feI7ES 8c and 10c ft paint 495 Atlantic equipment co wrechcs I lint mmi Ph gJ cheap shewing and 'SB DISHWASHER IXSIXGER frock binds "trailer awnne: "all i I hivtn CT4TVF ITQC OTMPWI PORT i t'nH NEW STAINLESS STEEL: COST kmd- Reasonable 5245 Alton PICTORIAL presentations equipment Rd Ph 3-6107 or 3-3939 BROWN'S PIANO HOI lo Immediate denverv Tie wire HOUSING roups 2 180 7 til St hoooi Lee Gainsboro 132 SUBDIVISION rievelopmen-v POWER LAWN MOWER new Rot o- i ne- -nfl eiav -iit 1 PlPftrii- ian- 1 casnlinp coats DB-bH A-l PAINTER Inside and ouiside Reasonable Call Joe 2-5746 12th St Ph 3-5381 FREE BENCH DELIVERY AND PARKING $1200 IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE R17F iS'vin" WITH RSk'FTS $90 i640 20th St Ph 3-6435 Roval Sales Salvage Co 400 79th St TOWN planning 210 71st St Miami Beach Phone 6-3111 or 6-2541 BLACK Persian lamb coat size 40 reasonable Miami Furriers Ph 2-5720 Fla Ax ESTIMATE quickly given on your painting requirements Ph 2-5012 golf clubs 8 registered Spalding Trmflit irnns Onn minth PLUMBING material for home owners Pipe cut to sketch MURRAY'S formerly I Robert Leonard Co 1532 62nd St KING HOI TON band instruments COMPLETE PH 3-7717 2049 of all kinds now available at MIAMI AVE like new $15 Ph WHEEL chair 2-3266 FOR PAINTING oirroroof in? Venetian hlinrt rrnsir nlavtFT'nff AKPl RS tSS 1200 79th St Bell Haven SUITS size 28 to 60: $15 suits for fnapiii 3 If Miami Ave Miami I oldest complete music store it no Ladies and men overcoats Courts Apt 10 SAXD ROCK FILL SAXD CARPENTRY alterations seneral re- Call 2-8970 Dave or Jul $5 2167 62nd St Ph 78-0059 pairs 1-or good service Hfi J-48U FILL HAMMOCK SAXD NEW 8-FT bottle box electrical 45 cu ft 4-door reach-in electric ref riKcrator Self-feedins electric Oliver bread sheer USED GUARANTEED South Bend broiler 30-m 3-keg draft bt-er box ref ricerated PLYWOOD STRIPS 3i INCH 6" WIDE up to 8'-0" lone 5 000 pieces Southern Wood Industries Inc 75 72nd St Ph 7-3142 OFFICE EQUIPMENT DYED BLUE FOX fur coat thkm today: PAIR OF beautiful wrought iron lamp tables qreen gold very unusual Cost $80 each Sell both for $75 White sas hea'er Also iniscel-lnei articles 1 213 3 5th "SING CLEANER The finest fur dishes glassware walls woodwork linoleum and many other cleaning problems easy on the hands saves up to half on your froap bill Snecial introductory offer 3 boxn BURDINE WARFHOCSF SALES 605-600 8th Si COLDSPOT excellent condition 331 37th St $40 BUYS 3-burner and oven Hot- ooint electric stove cood condi length like new $75 Call between MUCK CALL SPEARS 7-6101 ALTERATIONS repairs screening rTT ti-1 n-rnv oiock ors rn i-cio airer 9 and 4 Ph 3-5041 PAINTING and waterproofing Spe-C'a'izinT ir steel sa Ph 7-53Q2 ADOLPH VETTER SONS PAINTING decorating waterproof- ing paper hanging Ph 32-4361 INTERIOR exterior naintms and- waterproofing reasonable no de WE CARRY a tomplrte line of stain- AUTOMOBILE glass installed while BENCH LATHES METAL FOOT SHEARS 52" METAL SLIP ROLLS 36" MULTIPLEX SAW NO 30-A BENCH MASTER PRESSES ELECTRIC MOTORS '-1 3-'j ATLANTIC 211 59th Si RESTAURANT booths selling at iac-rifice Ph 3-9153 less steel wear and make up lay you wait I 1ST CLASS CARPENTER-General ASPHALT TILE Free estimate Get repairs Ph 9-1964 2030 our low prices Causeway Carpet strcr- Inc 1308 2nd Ave Pll840 i SCREENS to order guaranteed to DAVENPORTS frame 3 leather air foam seat cushions 3 leather back cu-hiops leather arm chairs metal storage lockers wood and meta! foldinc chairs Royal Sales A Salvage 400 79th St outs for restaurants and bars Ph 3-2887 1119 1st Ave MIAMI CLASS CO 2320 Flagler St Ph 4-2386 chiem any amount Paxson 44oC fit Carpenter work Estimates lay Ph 78-6r)06 W- 74th Ave frcf- 1318 E- 2nd Ac Ph 2-6579 waterproof your home or SCHLAGE locks and builders' hard- ALL-ROUND carpemer 15 years' ex- hotel now: work guaranteed Pr 4 -DRAWER filing cabinets $1095 Ph 9-6791 1115 Miami Ave warc ai contractor prices Miami oerience Latest eouipment I fur- reasonable Time paymev's il de- MEN USED CLOTHING PAY HIGHEST nriccs Chicago buyer Call 5-4747 OVERCOAT Alp-ru warmth with- out weight: good Ph 5-5272 HEAVY coat tan with fox collar size 14 or 16 Cost $125 sell for 35 144 47th St WE BUY sell used men's women's children's clothes anything of value Ph 3-914 3 253 5th St GRAY PERSIAN coat latest model Must sell Reasonable Size 16 Also dresses size 16 8in 10th St Apt 6 Call mornings tion 1924 22nd Terrace Hardware Co 1751 painters nlumbers sired Licensed and insured Pre Lock 8th St nish plasterers and electricians Ph 2-4712 TRACTORS CATERPILLER D-6 hydraulic angle dozer D-7 bulldozer D-8 bulldozer 10-ton Diesel roller LISS EQUIPMENT 132 20th St -BACK" couch' Good condition i3 STEAM electric Burmin radiator thermostatic controlled cast iron rollers Never used Reasonable offer Ph 48-3443 4 GOOD hairdrvrrs manicure table 3 foot resls drapes odds of merchandise Reasonable Ph 82-1702 Ph 2-2197 estimates Ph 2-7010 or 3-o547 Wist 3042 23rd Ave Apt 1 120 29th St SODA FOUNTAINS AR BON ATORS SANDWICH UNITS FORMIC A COUNTERS BOOTHS TABLES CHAIRS STOOLS BAR STOOLS BAR SINKS co*ckTAIL UNITS REFRIGERATORS STEAM TABLES COFFEE URNS GRIDDLES SILFX UNITS MALTED MACHINES MEAT GRINDERS SLICERS CASH REGISTERS SCALES ORANGE SQUEEZERS DRINKING FOUNTAINS GAS RANGES BROILERS BUTCHER Ri nrk'S KITCHEN TABLES 1ST CLASS all-around carpenter PHONE 73-2838 Andersen 614 A BLOCK CO Cement rock sand and builders' suophes 3601 South River Dr Ph 88-1438 TYPEWRITER DFSK for sale Serbold Bide Ph 3-5327 HAROLD JOHNSON rVDCDrrvrrn psrDrvTrD ti oj imth BEAUTIFY vour home oair tie HALF-BAG concrete mixers for rent We deliver 10 job Ph 48-5290 a in work Ph 7-5528 day or evening DICTAPHONE set complete 3 pieces Old but in good working order Be't offer will buv I Firtel 420 Lincoln Rd Ph 5-7673 TRAILER STOVE International Model A-41 rebuilt works perfectly $25 Bradley 9533 Little River Blvd I ranlirinc Decorating 01 an tyot DRAIN tile machine makes 4 5 and 6-in Broward Sentic Tank Co South Federal Highway Fort ALTERATIONS repairs screening REFRIGERATOR 6 ft used in good condition $75 Apply 1890 Ave FRIGID AIRS perfect condition $8Y Dinette maple table 4 chairs $35 1 T7 107th St Ph "8-7112 KEL vtnator refrtgeratoT 6' gpaee-saver model brand- icu Westing-bouse Laundromat brand-new 330 10-n Ave Ph 0-590O and painting worK gtiaranteea 1 "pVrvTivr: nrtimlar owne at ONE 15-IN carriage typewriter SILVERWARE GLASS Pfione 9-6522 Licensed priee you can afford CONCRETE BLOCKS PROMPT delivery 246 5th St Ph 2-3682 NEW BUILDING 20x50 5 room- easily converted to duplex $3500 moved on your lot Ph 88-1891 tvpr Vi pF FOTS PANS KITCHEN 1125 one 11-in rarriace writer 1100: one calculator LOVELY Australian opos-um fur coat Si7e 12-14 Beautifully styled custom-tailored Value $900 will sacrifice at S200 Shown at Miami Tailors 25 2nd St Ph 3-5943 LOVELY silver fox jacket Size 12-14 Sacrifice 2501 5th Ave CARPENTERS and general contrac- rrer for tour protection Rot tors: alterations old and new Li- i-m toi IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW 5-FT Chicaeo sheet me'al Shear 4 ft portable brake 226 5th St COST cnppl TPS FTP TERMS DELCO light nlant 1000 warts Portable on 2-wheel trailer Will sacrifice $475 1900 FLAGLER St Ph fl-4278 -4301 Ph I'M now AH Rcmins'nns and censed Ph 48-9992 PACIFIC EQUIPT uke new Also and check nro- PAINTING and decorating specializing in rrw-vf naintinK rid a'r- finish carpenter ktpctnr like new 35 Ph 4-1252 EXPERIENCED cabinet maker NEW KOKEN barber chairs still Ph 9-942-7 A nmoftni 2-bedroom bungalow wa- PH 3-7717 USED LUMBER round rim bathtub lavatory Sell cheap 1942 25th Ave cn-in MIAMI AVE 297T 6th St cratp Jobbers price Call SILVER FOX fur Practically new For sale Ph 48-9938 trim or lay' terp-oof As low as Ph 4 3 3" Hotel Barber Shop CARPENTER foreman out man Ph 7-3210 CONCRETE LOCKS 8X8X16 4x8x16 12x8x16 CORNERS A-TAX Immediate delivery Ph 73-5356 GOOD CLEAN FILL PRICE REASONABLE PH i-4385 RcminE-Call Mr 6- FLEETWOOD display ref rigera'or orth case 1-3 hp motor with Carrier BraMi NEW TENT 16x16 Sell reasonable BOOKK EFFING marhn-e ton electric Baisain! Tavlor 32-2605 SHFETROCK "40 N- 2nd Ave onlv commessnr Lised 4 months CARPENTER 15 vears experience No job too small Ph 78-0291 WRINKI F-FINISH r--r'irg materials work guaranteed Typewriters metal ornaments etc Sirn-onian Metal Silhouettes 8W Unlimited Quantity USED lower section kitchen cabinet LARGE IVORY office desk PH 5-7816 CARPENTRY and finish work cabi- HAVE the largest stock In tins' 4 drawers 6 doors 7 4 x3 X3w Now in use Perfe't working condition 8 months' guarantee Shellv's Restaurant 7316 Collins Av ROOFERS ATTENTION! 43 AND 4i-lb roofing $2 20: 90-ib i 3-9779 nets pecialti 108th St Rear 6027 readv for installation WILTON rue Good condition 1150 9th SI VENETIAN BLINDS $2 50 EACH 30 to 36 Morgan Hotl 1365 West Flarler St BEAUTIFUL new mahoeanv radio-phonocianh combination Price vty reasonable 2315 8th St 4-BI'RNER electric stove cood condition CiO A Sutch 3750 107 Ave 2 NEW CONLON washing machines $100 each Ph 78-4512 NFW COLUMBIA tnble Inn- 10-ca -'on eiecric hot water heater $95 Ph 78-4512 27th Ave NOW V-rpenter and INTERIOR and exterior paimin green red and black $3 50: 90-lb AVAILABLE CLOSING OUT new portable typewriters desks lockers leather chairs ree! shelving fo'dine chairs builder: alterations and repairs: and waterproofing: minor repairs 15 USED bar stools Ph 3-0771 Mrs Holman between 10 a and 4 except Sunday 1 aluminum 3 60: is and 30-lb felt 37 Ford MOTOROLA RADIO for 20 Ph 48-0086 sections only Ph I Call S-442 Fussei! priinps S425 roofing nails asphalt sofas storage cabinets MINK COAT--Mir sacrifice because of death Extremely fine quality Newest style Absolutely perfect condition Original cost $3700 Will sacrifice for SI 300 Also silver fox jacket '75 See Mr Straus Hutchin-son Hotel Hollywood- Fla 4 TAILORED suits 2 topcoats 4 silk dresses size 12 like new rea- sonable 5245 Alton Rd WHITE ermine fur jacket size 16: value S900: sacrifice $300 Call 7-7916 evenings -LACK Hi'dson seal excellent condition 34 length size 18 2150 5 14th Ave 78 1 inn rf-t nnces interior exterior 4240 per 100 Licensed roofers spe etc Dealers invited Blank Co 1214 1 TWO 6' underbar one stainless steel SW8thSt I J100 one and salv $60 2132 cial rates Large Stocks fc AITFB ATTrM mnA rpna wnrk pv Roofing Co Inc 500 Dixie Hwy terminating and painting Work OFFICE FURNITURE S7th Ave area We ran guarantee vou immediate delivery now Not a promise bur DELIVERY DIXIE BLDG SLTPLIES INC Tampa Fla 704 Waters Ave Ph S-51 3 0 GOLF-TYPE tirO lawn mowfr $100 HO JUNK 377 78TH ffT USED railroad iron suitable for cattle guards 3c ner lb Bank Metal Auto Parts St Pe'ersbure Florida 3 4 5 AND 6-FT showcases new and used 1156 Miami Ave Hailandale guaranteed Ph 7-057 2 GENERAL repairs Mia mi Shores and STORE EQUIPMENT VARNISH VARNISH! WATER RESISTANT SPAR IDEAL FOR INSIDE OR OUTSIDE USE THIS I69S VALUE ONLY 13 00 WHILE SUPPLY LASTS 290 2'D AVE 6 GOOD down feather pillows 1 LARGEST selection South Florida' evv used rebuilt unfinished or 1Z6 to order matching suites FILL rock sand and soil PHONE 4-2259 Sands PEA ROCK concrete rock screenings maon sand Prompt delivery COMPLETE radio and appliance stock selling at wholesale orice ph 78-4512 files safes tables counters Whole- I McCRAY refrigeration dealer sale retail Custom built or pro- NORTON GANGER CO durtion manufactured Bring your 601 Miami Ave Ph 2-6128 or 78-9074 I ii QNCRETi CONSTRI' I ION Free estimate on vour block work Ph 78-4912 BLOCKS LAID Call Jack Retzler spray sand blasting warerproof- inc Ph Willis 7-7064 or 78-1393 REFRIGERATOR and washing ma- clrne sprayed in your home 12 no her guaranteed work 1 0 ai otrer spraying Send nosfal card No phone ret F- Mlis 3501 12t St Miami ED DERRINGER Soi licensed Free estimate Ph 48-4 d9 1 PAINTING clean efficient Very reasonable Ph 7-0409 PAINTING done at your convenience Competent work done by experi- enced painters Ph 78-0991 EXPERT paint ins Reasonable Bob clothes wringer 6 hand painted deigns to our plant 3000 38th fUR NECKFIECE 5 Kolinsky skins like new Sacrifice $50 3230 7th St Fill sand soil and sod Phone 5-3290 Ave Ope sand screening Ph 2-9153 after 6 ROCK GENUINE fox jacket size 12 or 14 Tun over 36th St Bridge MorTav 17 Wnd Ave 3-0149 SAR WATER HEATERS all sizes Havland china plates 181 week- end nixn'av 8 '00 av- 11 0 I Nothing down 3b months 10 oav 38th St Ph 6Q14 8 10 AND 12" porcelain meat Ph Youncblood 3-070 vUV-t-Td 71 FURNITURE HOSPITAL i cases new 1948 models for dairy Pvyi'p-l-tkw Stevens' Ca VP hkf Tu-v-T rTV fV Vi butcher shop or dehcatesen store: 3 and shells 165 2841 64th --go Ow nenPn 48-3 088 2nd soil any kind 1 CONCRETE porches floors curbs clean nil ana MAT TRESSES mnersorini and cot- ton full size 638 WthS 3-PIECE cenuiue rattan oorch set $150: modern twin bed set $225 la ice 5-driwer walnut chest $45: 11x13 dubbonet hroari'oom rue 60: Vty 12x13 trrav wool chen-llle rue $125 Ph 0-627L S50 Ph 5-7734 FLA Fh Frow 7-780 sidewalk driveways Ph 3-43 Prompt delivery Ca: BIO BARC-AIN PERSIAN lamb coat larpe USED Pathfinder power mower 4 Ave Ph 4-6450 CONCRETE plating when you want it Ail materials furn Ph 2-0492 Kellv Uhs-Kb chairs tables ines sneives draft beer coolers electric and JooKca'e Cheap Ph q-2410 water cooler five electric bottle STEEL FILING CABINETS LEGAL coolers three walk-in boxes 5 reach- oho MASON sand sand and rock fill rock Call 8 to 5 Waller Phone months old Will sell for best of slightly worn $175 2104 fer Monday Can be seen at Dixie St Dr Store LIGHT PLANTS FINE Regency sola in blue rose Call 9-0179 after LETTER siE adding ma- in boxes with compressor S7nn FUR COAT in very ood cor 1 A LT I CI DAT BLOCKS LAID 5 pm ilk brocade lounce chair oair of -vtc Home improvement Co UilB jn Miami Ave alter 9 a Monday Ph 2-3216 office desks and 1 Sotu inn i 1 Dm cut corn 20 $230 cash GENERATORS POWER PLANTS 221vLIVILINI 4: I vJ dr ion size 26th Te CHAIRS SAFES LARGE AND 120 Ph Miami Ave H-Kna UlESEU and cas lowest mice Glass Miami 300-watt to 75000-watt SMALL AT anv breakfront tables and lamp-Manv beautiful pieces from interior FOR RENT 1 2-bag concrete mixers and 4'a cu ft wheelbarrows Ph PLASTERING and stucco Bv DMV 2-7666 or yard Ph 83-1245 Moore 200 SHOWCASES" WITH" SHELVES S55 UP 6 FINISH lime 'Ohio' mortar-mix tie wire metal lath etc NATIONAL BUILDERS SUPPLY 722 29th St Ph 9-0183 WALL a no RUDY'S IVESTOCK decorators All oualiiv furniture! a 1 la 1 nclv low priced Ph 9-6271 CASES GLASS SLIDING DOORS CONCRETE MIXERS for rent 3006 pi ASTER REPAIRS ONLY Projipt 26'h St Ph 2-4339 CIr-nr pv Ta-n50 LISS EOUIPMENT GARDEN sprinkler system dismantled new complete including about 500 ft 34" galvanized water pipe 25 sprinkler heads nipples fittings and 5 shut offs $250 Call 5-7458 between 12 and 2 and 4 and 8 0-2219 50 COMPLETE INST ALL ATIO PI'UROOM suite toasted mahouanv 522 Miami Ave ph DOGS CATS PETS double bed chest vanit anrt iTs-fitjws ruTfnR SEABOARD EOUIPMENT CO 13a JOth St 3-8702 2-4774 tirnrh niDh! labie coi! vorincs and 2755 27th Ave Ph 48-9353 FILE PH 6-3614 7-2354 SASABJPSif 05SRT placing and finishing ASTER repairs guaranteed Treat AND MUCK DELIVERED FH Call 3-7794 between nv you right Vet Ph 7-1051 r- FOR RENT '2-bag concrete mixers PLASTERING and stucco new an 100 000 4X6 6x6 used lumber Good hopper and filters Also wheelbar- TeSair Ph Tins'ev 7-0430 condition S75 per 1 000 100 Nirnws and Skitem-s 1833 aflth r3 4 COPPER COIL solar heaters 300- tnnersprinc mattress Used 2 months 1 JJ BASCOM'S PET SHOP 'YOUR Department Store For Pets al tank cork insulation Will sell OAK CABINETS R-U Inch built for -bUY tWUIf'MtM Sacrificina tor 325 Mrs Shannon WISCONSIN BrtSKS- 1 1 UAWlifcUll UU1U musical merchandise Drawer be- aT PACIFIC 1050 Qpa-locka Blvd Pupoies monkeys oird- fisn nnsi Ph1 2-5322 I 27th Ave St Ph 2-10367 "Y-Mm" low class above $20 each Apply I -i8- 1835 2nd Ave I 3949 Miami Ave 1 vvor vaw odli uitc caoii i 10 iu vv in ici ol Ph fl-PIECE Montetev dine'-e tel 45 "-niece Mou'erv twin liedronm 12 Gables Lincoln Ave Ph 4-0242 tuutttit ni'xea piacea nmsnea ttStftzi and STUCCO and inlid walnut tvpewri'er desk PEKINGESE party-color 6 weeks TFMPERFD Matonite Sheets 38 VX TThl old O580 Ahbntt Ave 1 IOC eacn perfect for JfLt Abbott Ae jh)U1PrAt cabinets and paneling of 1138 larce 100-pound Coolera'or lee- FINE J-PIECE bathroom outfits: chairs 78-7247 BARBER cheap Ph Nicholas c3 patching Call High 45-3150 CEMENT finishing and block laying prompt service Smith typewriter Ph 9-627! bvt small one $2n- toimmoiv 1 Dasins and toilets available im 2 BITCH pointers well trained 1 Armv Salvage CO 6160 rooms Call 7-6530 mediately Sam Khnger 13th and' registered Both for 5300 Can be "Ave Ph 7S-3686 FOR QUICK service plaste- -r or stucco Fh Woodeock 7-6143 folding cot $15: breakfast set tis BRAND-NEW '47 Burroughs 8-column uridine machine er Ft UiH0U-EHnin rorn- wantfo Ph 7-6530 CEMENT and carpentry In M'ami Z7 ttra rt xi seen at ai xx lain rrea 1 Hoea Ph 3-3551 CEMENT SI 40 WE DELIVER anv amount Smith I-if A CTPTJ 11 VPAT in MEAT DAIRY VEGETABLE POULTRY CASES ALL SIZES BALL MAKF USED inside doors all size too BOSTON studs Champion Royal Kid's 2 BLOCK layers per block or hour i Vt r-i Tnnr -78-8470 OFFICE FURNITURE HOLLER CONVEYORS STORAGE ICE BOXES 12 SECRETARIAL and executives' desks new condition 100 section- and IS'' wide 1v long ball bearing roller conveyors 3 -torare men Co Sun Ph 3-2308 wee Lumber Co 6124 22nd Ave 1 "1 knaAU Aee 2nd Roval Selei-t Are Royal fn "i 044? Are Tmv Roya! Regards also little FRIGID URE WANTED op 6 CU FT Ph 5-6398 used sash 50c each used real clay briek 5 ho stationary steam-boiler 1 180 Ph 83-3316 3320 20th St Anv -ype a specialt Callahan Phone 3-0013 PLASTERING Patching s'urco Ex- 231 RED OL" AR tile Mr Tid Bit at 10 lbs Ph 78-7308 I 6 "x6 CONCRETE construction We specialize in all coiicrere work Side-waltaj etc Free estimates Call 82-1745 26th St Ph 9-1470 RED FEATHER kills on contact iccroxrrj 'Progress 1 ft' never tsed pe rt worK fn h-iwj All sizes and types tieks fleas and lice Hughes seed DOORS DESKS filing cabinets chairs safes used office equipment Hardin Office equipment Co 270 Giralda Ave Cora 1 Ga hies Office Equipment Company P'l 2-6766 812 l-t Av 5 PAYMENT DOWN BALANCE Priced PATCHING and piasrenn 6 8 xl-'R'' Interior 'in ftn Flush for aotcfc sale 3e'-Mar lOftO Fe ral Highway SOLAR WATER HEATFP 1 year Old 82 gallons $125 321 Sears Ave Daytona Beach Fla Store Ph 3-2121 18 MONTHS NO CARRYING Groves CEMENT pouring and finishing plastering brick work painttn Phore WT -1450 Combination 520 Ph 3-0748 BASENJI pups Barkles CHARGES haired: medium sized FRENCH: ROCK LATH and carpenter work Free estimat- PLASTERING NFW OP JTC IX PLENTY MATERIAL TOP SERVICE FH 3-0374 RUDY'S POODLES tops in fashion co*ckER CURRANS 1st Ave and 7th 1112 Prompt service and reasonable BOILER a-fired for dry cleaning shop: perfect condition less than 1 year old Ins' tiling larger type I system Ph 6-3616 117- PERFUMES HOliywooq Hn 1023 TOILETS 5-ft bathtnb 17x10 lavatory 54-m kitchen sink: all new and crated Also Oster 'Mo 302 pipe threading machine Bargain Phone 4-5966 Sit na anna la i Kloman PLASTER repair No 'ob too small 522 ft Miami Ave Ph 9-2219 Call REFRIGER ATORS WANTED Anv make or condition Mus-f rove 2951 2nd Ave Ph 3-7396 WIIL PAY more than anv dealer "for vour sood used lurniture Ice box! Stoves Ph 78-4546 41M 27th Ave WHEN sefllns your merchandise ci'l Frank Morgan auctioneer Avoid detail and expense ot advertising vourself No ciinrses for picking up good! to be bfouaht to auction Pn 47696 WANTED u-ed elertnc reinsetetor anv condition Ph 78-2442 ICEBOXES turniture oil stoves SPANIELS champion sired All AKC reg wen fed and well bred Hilador Kennels Red Rd miles of Homestead Hewv Miami 1 MOORE perfume fciweet To- BLOCK 83-0 424 CEMENT $1 24 delivered price reduced on bulk orders Ph 88-260O i Veteran Ph 7B-jh-h SODA FOUNTAINS --WHEEL luggage trailer 3829 ft 21 vt Ct USED plumbing basins $15 Pipe I BLOCK MASONS Ph 2-2763 before PLASTER UNO and stucco piant Stanley Kniaht Factory Distribute! A Few Available For Delivery NORTON GANGER CO 601 Miami Ave titling lic eacn 3 hamooo a ni oi n-a a wecnaiwc- i USED GRILL Good for small restaurant S25 My Sundry 4443 2nd Ave 7 PLASTERING new jobs and repairs LARGE florist electric refrigerator 7x6'2x2'a Good condition Going out flower business Need space S100 basins for barber almost new with CALL 48-3590 for complete con bncco Blossom cologne: 281 Glen- i dale Dr mi Spring PI' B8-3015 PLIrtTS SLEDS TRFES ANNUAL Uowering plants All varieties Atti Terra Florists 800 1 17th St Ph 2-5464 Quick service en a-jm FREE demonstration on new Rum- service BOSTON pups Boston studs Sanitary Boarding Kennel- 2023 139th St L- block east of Blvd BOXER pups out of Plmero Also some extra nice co*ckers and wires Padgett Kennels 420O 79th St Ph 88-2951 MODEL soda MODEL soda 1948 fountain steel crete hoisting ana niacin: Able Concrete Service "PLASTERING new work or patch sev electric power lawn mower Koyai fomciana Nursery Federal Harding St Hollywood let i aim uumm iamu ftu 5 tn cn i Hu-v am Hwy and ing: reasonable Ph f-gga electric carburetors 4 ia'o st vie i Ph 79-W CARPENTERING and painting Work guaranteed Best of references Call Bill 83-3420 250 formica-ton tables 800 PLASTERING Quick and reasonable Call GrifT Bros Ph 3-6382 FOR" HIBISCUS SEE "HIBISCUS couiHei tnrome iu eacn vvoon canineis made cf 34-in lumber S10 to J25 Double plywood lockers $7 each House mover's trailer S125 plvwood 20c per so ft O'hrr items Apply 916 Jann Ave al ocka A A A SPECIALS '4" 4' 8' PLYWOOD 20c sq It 22'Id Ave Ph 48-4540 CLEARANCE SALE chairs 200 chrome stools iARDEs 846 110TH ST FOR Onan 2-KW ac no-v reach-in refrigerators walk-in PLASTER oa-chine and generai repairs right and rcasonaoie Pn 7-9352 portable generators practically i boxes home freerer frozen food new Benton's Equipment and Sun-1 cabinets water coolers ice cream plv Co 2651 20th St Ph i cabinets condensing units Miami 2-7666 Super Cold Co 41 1st St 153 1 LL( I Hit I Electrical Contracting REPAIR and trouble calls bids cheerfully given 4' 8' 45c sq Wolfe Furniture Stoje Ph 7-0829 COHSIGN YOUR HO US (OODS BRIC-A-BRAC AND CHINA 8 ALES THURSDAY AND TURDAY CALL 3-2355 FOX AUCTION GALLERY HIGHEST prices paid for quality china bric-a-brac silver antiques fin inure e'e Ph 7-3988 WANT Oil Moves heaters ice boxc reason- is Quid rep PLASTER able Ci JUST ARRIVED Texas rosea Bishop Seed Co 2150 17th Ave i Phone 3-2410 i Penny's Hvbrid Hibiscus NURSERY 2727 27th St Retail Display 840 79-h St BID graft trees Any size age Ph 9-9633 DRY CELANING acencv for -ale TRAIL ELECTRIC CO 20 PLUMBERS STUD SERVICE co*ckER Spaniels 6 top quality studs: excellent breeding All sire beautiful pups Service guaranteed Ph 48-2081 PEDIGREED WIRE STUD Puppies champion stock Ph 7-09 HL BOSTON bull-dog stud service with papers Ph 7-6349 BOSTON STUD Hoffman's Drum Major 225 3rd St rear DACHSHUND puppies Healthy and beautiful Very fine pedigree 575 61st St Ph 7-9704 LEHMAN LUMBER CO Miami 2011 22nd St Ph 9-1678 I Miami Beach 1800 Purdv Ph 58-1673 MASONITE: tempered Preswood: '-in and U-in Southern Equipment Corp 1301 Miami Ave Ph 0-4858 MANUFACTURER AND DESIGNERS OF FORMICA COL'NTERS AND BARS SHELVING AND GONDOLAS STORE FIXTURES BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AND SAVE GRAY PRODUCTS 116 13TH ST FACTORY 938 MIAMI AVE OFFICE PH 2-2653 MANNEQUINS window display fixtures and fabrics Mcndow Display Co 853 2nd Ave Ph 9-4244 iuit Kin hi on iraii j-iji with living auartrts Nine years ONE KOKEN barber (hair 2 cabi-same location 563 Flagler Ph 1 nets 2 large mirrors 1 in-z table hat rack and light fix- Diseased trees made useful: beanti- the 318 work done in Ph 5-3341 Ext ELECTRICAL county only 990 79th bedroom suites mattresses Shull fui CLOSING OUT new portable type- i tures Shine stana Write 3677 29th Street si in IB-1UOV leat her STARK Electrical construction and repair Free estimates Ph 48-2187 writers desks lockers chairs steel shelving ALLIED INDUSTRIES Dixie Hwv and 31st Ave Ph 4-7839 and 48-6639 folding i TYPE WRITER desk S25: one larre chairs sofas Kardexes storage cab extra nice rieik $85 1257 TOMATO pepper eftRPlant broccoli U7IL 30th St COCONUT palms all sizes reasonable Farmers Market 13th Ave and 21st Ter daily and Sunday 153 -I A IN REPAIRS CONTRACT IXC GRIFFITH PLUMBING Ph 48-8389 VAUGHAN plumbing and heating contractor will be haop to serve you when more plumber and materia are ava i lable Repairs and Service Bv competent licensed plumpers UOPSCO PLUMBING CO H54 27th Ave Ph 4-05? BUCK PLUMBING INC PH 7-5718 St Ph 9-9502 FINISH LIME inets etc Dealers invited Blank Co 1214 8th St 1 tr 1 ire CO Pt 2Hi4 BEST CASH price paid for sood i furniture and -roves Inst art service Call 78-9788 WE PAY as high as $30 for old sewing machines regardless of age or condition East Coast Machinery Co 156 Flagler Sr Ph 9-3915 1 4-FT WALL CASE with glass AIR compressor service station size A-l Ph 4-465 co*ckER pups lit special sale: registered OME AND get it $115 per bast 'ie beauties S35 also I100 sailiAvtv ooors: 1 electric grill: 2 magazine 22-FT TOWER l-'e windmill brand- NEW BARBER-GREEN during machine available lor excavating footings septic tanks etc Prompt expert service Ph 3-7794 display caes in vv nn nr Snap-F 4 2 4J2 FIELD -GROWN flower pianis dragons carnations alters Corey 2160 35th St CARLOAD 1948 model showcases and month female pure white blond eaii $50 All champion blood lines Ph 89-1115 COMBINATION 6" jointer saws wall cases with giass shelves all 153 mi i OORING Concrete Blocks Cement PEA ROCK and sand Ph3-9652 BLOCK for sale Ph 78-3530 machine FOR SALE About 650 2-year-old rs vv Sewing niONE 7-4378 Ph 43-1870 Grove BOXER pnpoies AKC 3310 Cornelia Dr seedling mango trees in gallon 1 1(Mn EfniTirmenf fnrn Contract in eaif be vice FLOOR sanders and polishers ren'cd bv Floor Renewal Ren'al Co 145 for furniture etc reliable CASH cans suitable for crafting if field I 1 IK KS PLUMBING Ph 9-4853 BUILDING tools and couioment for 1301 Miami Ave 5 12th Ave Ph 3-1615 nlanied $200 for lot Ph 7-3420 760 Iff STANLEY'S CASH STORE We Sell 'Em Cheaper In the Heart of Edison Center 528 62nd St Ph 7-9138 1 JOB LOT of paints SI 19 oer eal to S3 95 All colors 'no white i ELECTRIC mixer Spanish type table odd chairs door studio couches 2035 VV 21st St Ph 48284 AIR COMPRESSORS GAS AND ELECTRIC Large and 301 83th St rent 3140 Miami Ave 9-5663 Phone SANDED finished old floors a spe- CONTRACTING -rid repairs cialty new floors laid: tree cMi- Ter Ph 9- 0 equipped dado molding sets Call between 5 and 7 109 Federal Hwy No 1 Orange Bowl a 1 1 ra i it a 1 Ian a 1 TEMPERED Masonite 200 nieces 3-16xl2'x8'6" and other various sizes Double Protection Awning Co 2014 Miami Court TRACTORS TRACTORS JUST received several cars wheel-type and crawler tractor ALLIED EQUIPMENT INC PALMS WANTED for the removing 0 over 15 ft of trunk Ph 7-3624 prompt Ph 2-6322 now SEWING machines no limit to prie paid Ph 9-5511 AVTED 8 rooms of modern furniture twin bedroom suites ore-fT light wood: relncerator electric a nee or eod cas Ph 82-2106 -4315 NFW ALTERATIONS PEPMR3 BATHTUBS- built-in: toilets: lava- mates: work guaranteed Ph t0iesA? Plpc and 1ttlKC5- 1232 anytime Seward LOVABLE PL'PPIES co*ckER Snamels Black red and while Various ages Drax Ken- neK 900 VV 22nd Ave BOXER puopier males AKC registered International Champion stock Reasonable 1340 127th St Ph 78-9644 COLORFUL crotons 15c Larger slae now once Hibiscus all colors Budded mango avocado and citrui i VV 1 HOl: EV ERYTHING for the lawn: tables Immediate service Reaaocaoe JON-JAY The County Plumbers Ph 4-469 FLOOR zanders ai polishers rented by Floor Renewal Rental Co 115 VV 12th Ave Ph 3-1615 oenches bird baths urns structural stone 765 VV 20th St WANT 50 PIANOS or orgar in any trees All sizes at best prices Roses LET ME hoard vour dog Loving condition Braun's Piano House 2380 7th St Ph 4-5965 I small type stock for immediate I delivery Spray-gun hose pressure all colors Trimmed Poriorarpus Hull Nursery 9100 23rd Ave 200 SHOWCASES 50 WALL CASES WITH GLASS SHELVES LATEST MODELS ALL SIZES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TERMS RUDY'S 522 Miami Ave Ph 9-2213 7511 7ih Ave 133 -t I ')': SI Rl IX' REPAIRS installations County only Lando Ph 78-3645 RUSS SEIFFRTH and gas Prompt efficient 543 VV 7th St Ph 9-1108 VA A'-HiNCi MAC HINE tnted any SPF1 VIT Linoleum trees FLOOR sanding fimshir Ph Williams 83-2276 AtHt oi 1 i DOORS INSIDE outside sereen combinations sliding All sizes 138" 1 Kitchen cabinets made to measure Special designed doorr made to or- ri" t- Anvlhin nr wi V- nt 1 home care Ph 89-1115 FOR SALE 2 pedisreed Springer spaniels male and female 5 months old 53 143rd St Bil- cavne Gardens uinnruii nv to'itJiv FOP Lumber 12 16 2x6 2x8 2x10 lengths J70 per thousand 20th St Ph 2-76HH 1x3 1x4 i tanks and separators random EQUIPMENT 2651 I 926 Miami Ave Ph 9-683L 3-4872 ELECTRIC nepch grinder almost ixiinmea toppea removea FLOORS s-anded and finished 5c a sq ft and up Exoert workmanship Ph 78-6331 or Ph 3-7966 Vets Ted and Jess Fruit trees reconditioned Ph 7-3624 Jones Tree Service FISHING REEL silently used 6-0 new $50 Inquire Engineer Kenil- WENSLEY PLUMBING CO CONTRACTING and tepairing Wa finance Ph 43-3896 4 doberman Pinchers registered madP 0f 'wobd! Lee Gainsboro 132 AKC trained watchdog age 9 VV 12th St Ph 3-5381 von Hole with deep-sea rod and wortn Hotel CASH in 30 minutes for lurniture etc Hurry? Ph 7-4613 WE BUY used furniture and pay fairest prices Ph 9-6791 HIGHEST pid for 'goon "or bad furniture etc Ph 9-2682 PRIVATE party wants double bedroom furniture ail or Dart Ph 48-1108 SANDING and finishing iiiuiiTii-- 1 11 udiyiiH riu dij-cavne Point PLASTERERS ATTENTION! phone FLOOR i new line original cost $lo0 Our price $85 Complete tackle repairs I and supplies 475 8th St 8-1171 WELL SACRIFICE PLUMBING OP ALL KINDS IMMEDIATE service in installing hot-watei heaters washing ma- A A 1 Lo -lo: Beautiful singers 10 SANDING at finishing New dust- DISPLAY mannequins for ladie-' LOVELY TREES OR AN grapefruit tangerine kumquat manso avocado other tropical trees Bougainv iliea hibiscus roses azaleas ligustrom melalcuca trees Many trees and PLUMBING SUPPLIES COMPLETE stock of everything in plumbing Sinks all sizes with or without cabinets bath tubs wash basins and toilets Table-top water heaters 15 20 and 30-gal: water and SIS free metal care each 3 PENNY common bngnt at inr lb 1 less machires Material genuine chinei dishwashers sinks Fee male Females 12 each lo330 I No less than a kegs Call 6-9391 no synthetic inlaid linoleum 1-eiay estimates NEW ICE CREAM AND BEER COOLERS' PRICES CANNOT BE BEAT! NEW 750x2(1 8-nlv military tires con- wear Princely Shops 32 1st St County work Ph 7 63 oin vvr 00 oui in oui vt iuni mason sand ti rock soi service Harvrv a wood rr soil WANT sectional sofa bleached dining room twin bedroom furniture lOR 24- store fixture Cabi-i ner flashing tie wire road mesh pumps CAST IRON AND OALVAN- I 149th St pumps CAST IRON AND GALVAN Blque Ph 7-0" 77 for delivery ornamentals not listed nets with sneives 8 tt high Also' eatonne hose Wisconsin engines rirt anu hi uu- co*ckER spaniel 6 months regis- IZED PIPE AND FITTINGS GAL- win Hollywood beds and chest drop- Osborne Nursery 9001 VV 27th Ave broKen stoek oi paints 783 VV oth Carver pumps 1 hp Biiggs-Strat-i ANTZED PIPE CUT TO SKETCH tered pech2reed $50 Worth more St Ph 9-1349 or 3-2773 (ton engines pitcher primps hand HOME OWNERS PLUMBING Call between 9 a and 2 78-1461 Call before 3 and after 6 BETTER FLOORS Better service Call Collins 7-6693 EXPERT sanding finishing and waxing Free estimates Work guaranteed Ph Albert 48-9345 icfti inuic ru "MATTRESSES old junk furniture you don't want I'll buy Ph 7-7380 FLOCK OF TRUCKS GANG OP PLUMBERS READY TO SERVE YOU For large small and repair Jobs PH PH 4-0763 HARRY MARKOVVITZ INC 370 DIXIE HWY MIAMI 33 FLA Melrose Nursery trucK- it no 14 electric cable No lppy cu 2192 VV llth Ter CASH REGISTERS 6 through No 18 ignition cable hose 854 27th Ave Ph 4-0569 roston female akc years old COXCRFTTE BLOCKS CERTIFIED daily Regular and partition corner Immediate delivery A-l Concrete Products Buildirc Supplies Inc Ph 88-2600 FILL SAND ROCK MUCK Imme-diate delivery Ph 88-1328 FILL FILL FILL WANT sectional sofa bleached dm- 241 VV 27th Ave Ph 3-8611 OPEN SUNDAY 9 TO 1 VV 23rd Ter 1404 Beauty ing room twin bedroom lurniture tiivitA i uk (ikbokvitas BURROUGHS suitable for bar or restaurant Chrome series 300 like PITTOSPORUM I I QUICK efficient For estimates Ph 7-0915 iywood beds and chest cirop- I service own power Bill Jordon MIXED BOXER pet 6 months make offer Ph 4-0777 Andrews 1860 1st St NATIONAL soda check register: electric slicing machine large exhaust fan No reasonable offer refused Ph 48-7045 Ph 9-6271 PODOCARPUS TEXAS NO 1 ROSE new 1146 Lincoln Rd Ph 5-2544 BLSHES Finest selection of citrus 1 Cash rroirtftis smtahi fr oi VV twin bedroom set double KENNEDY plumbing- corrs--tor new work alterations 2950 8 VV 23 rd St Ph 4-5172 and fruit trees in South Florida tjpe ot ousmess: good trade-in allowance fully guaranteed for 1 year FLOORS sanded and finished in one day Own power Free estimate' 15: I AI I VT TOK PUPPY 6 months old black and ALSO ROCK sand and mason sand white parti co*cker spaniel regis- Phone Self at 78-5811 tered Can be seen at 5780 Alton Rd rock LATH and sheet rock for 1 to a 1 sale Call 9-0606 between 7 and 9 PLUMBING contracting and repair work 7516 Ave Ph 78-1637 Futch A- Roberts LOCKERS tools shovels paper cutter electric heater office tables etc Prices slashed again Must liquidate by Tues Apply Mon and Tues 244 72nd Ter ciamps galvanized sheets 23 KvV 75 KVA power units exhaust fans wood sealer compound paint (green aluminum black) taroaulms 5T6" 5" -U 1" rope 17-lb crowbars 5-ton screw jacks 2-ton and 5-ton spur gear hoist electric moto-s flexible conduit aluminum stock includes sheets angle tubing 4 6" channel etc 8" casters steel angle plate flats reinforcing etc PA AMERICAN CORP 3720 54th St Phones- 88-247 88-2498 WOOD-burning stove Good horr-e heater Load of firewood included 510 4405 VV 17th Ave Coorer bedroom suite living room furniture Modernistic or Duncan Phyfe rii: -g room set Ph 48-4310 NEED immediately office desk and office equipment Pl7-4378: SAVE THIS AD GET YOUR old furniture out of your garage I will buy it 2202 vv 7th St Ph 48-9162 Everything you need to beautify your grounds including soils and sod ROSES blooming in cans $125 while they last 1121 51st St MELALEUCA trees 25c to $15 a hundred Bushy trees 15 ft $15 Bananas $1 Large hibiscus Molt Nursery 1745 Ave 22 CHAMPIONS finest blood lines co*cker Stud fee S25 Ph 4-5771 FOR MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING lation mai Ph 6-2287 8 weeks old 2 MALE dachshunds 3545 12th St GLAZED wall tile and trim no reasonable offer refused Call Mr Harrison 5-6667 PEA ROCK rock screening mason sand fill and top soil Call 88-1201 Ph motor- -63 1 Root im li NEW BARBER-GREEN digging ma-Chine available for excavating footing septic tanks etc Prompt ex- pert service Ph 3-7794 ASPHALT CONCRETE driveways walks and roads Sea wall and dock construction VV Paving Co Ph 78-3140 BULLDOZERS large and small for cleaning lots and acreage P'i Crotons and other GRAPEFRUIT $1 bushel: crangjes VLo At Victors 2403 VV 107th SACRIFICE shrubbery 1 26 Ave i puce 1030 VV Ave Open daily Look for sign PH 4-0243 AXY KIND OE ROCK SAX SOIL FILL it metaf 55 With rn No 11 Idal ks Ph CANARIES 65 bird- some red factors 16 cages Aviary $4 oer bird takes all or sell separate 8315 Miami Ct Ph 78-3738 THE EDWARD SYSTEM Obedience and show training For vour dog Edward Thenault Phone 5-9144 ion YOUR roofing and work it pays to do a reputable established 1 money down 3 years to mates cheerfully given Roofing Sheet Metal 2-1133 and 9-3947 AIR COMPRESSOR Ingersoll-Rand LIGHT PLANT 3-KVV 32-volt re-all sizes Gondas Co 2140 conditioned S100 Bank of Edison Miami Ave Ph 3-8497 batteries 32-volt $50 Apply 3560 HOSPITAL BED Simmons reasonable Also wheel chair 521 VV Ave RUMMAGE SALE Mon Tues Wed Men women and children's wear 563 76th St LIQUIDATING the entire stock of new-used as-is pipe fittings plumbing machinery etc of the Grav's Fishery Ojn- Closed Sundays FOR RENT 105' PORTABLE COMPRESSOR Plenty of hose hammers chisels and point- Open 7 a in to 6 Sun 7 a to 12 noon 2651 20th St Ph 2-7666 MOTOROLA car radio- S42 50 and SPROUTED chayotes and literature for sale Three for $125 6 for S2 i with literature postpaid Litera- ture alone five excellent pieces 36c-bco*k postage stamps Now is good FLUORESCENT SALE Fixtures from 88-2685 factory to you: lowest prices 222 ROADS streets driveways parking VV 26th St 2nd floor rear lots built asphalt and white top rd Si Ph 48-0011 SELL US your Singer machine We pay best prices Sinser Sewms i- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NEV CONSOLE and pint plan -blond mahogany ana vvalnut good used siand and spinets also new record cabine's in every finish Markley's :900 8th St Ph 4-S951 AWNINGS and canopie for homes and tore- For prompt service STROLLER desk car bathinettc viFfirv RriFtvfi rn Ail t- DfV concrete mixer Lots and acreage cleared and scan- bed Ph 2-5582 RANSOME 'v-bag line to plant chayotes in citrus area can coral Awning Co Pn 4-0j72 in: roofing appd Leaks and wood 3259 VV nea witn large or smaii Duuaozers and southern portion of Florida for NEW AND USED PLUMBING Tubs' with wheelbarrows 68th St t-timate irec SEA-LAND CON- -ln-- free estimates possible light spring crop Get the VERY RARE pure white male Ger- an po lice dog Ph 7-2 9 25 a CUTE HEALTHY small breed pup STRUCTION CO 100' VETERAN Ph 3-4775 cabinet smk FHA terms: no down payment Richie's 2116 VV 27th Ave Phone 3-4292 OWNED Phone 38-32043-4775 vE CtprrT 1 ZF LEAKS pies Ph 78-3337 I IANOE $5250 Free aerial free installa- I NAVY SURPLUS GLAZED IVORY TILE 600 ft 4'4 in by 414 111 75c sq ft APDly 160 Rd Ph 5-7347 FILL SAX 14 ROCK screenings mason sand Call Baker 3-4775 MOVING SELLING OUT BULLDOZING grading acreage ana ALL TYPES roofing and repairs lots Ph A Parker 3-0936 Work guaranteed Free estimates LOTS CLEARED Florida Roofing Co Ph 9-6471 literature' BEN GROOVER 228 Duval St Box 1O00 Lak City Fla STRAWBERRY plants Missionary variety Arkansas grown Flamingo Seed Co 2030 VV 17th Ave Ph 2-0667 tion Guaranteed 6 months Bridge Radio 650 VV 5th St Ph 3-6385 4 tuiTLK tubing 6c It benrh NEW VHITEWAY washing machine Will trade 1156 Miami Ave AIR CONDITIONERS Two 3-ton console Philco-York One postwar like new special hurricane duct 415: other as is in opera' ing condition has Bendix thermostat $235 Buy now avoiding summer scarcity and save Apt I 760 Valencia Ave Coral Gabies or Ph 48-5841 before 8pm 2 FLORENCE double-burrer kerosene heaters porcelain finish RENTED Turner's 1417 ie Blvd Ph 2-2519 POND bbv grand piano any refinished and recon- Small down payment 18 to pay balance Turner's Blvd Ph 2-2519 co*ckER puopier reduced puces Black blond red and red and w-hte 6 to 8 weeks old All AKC GOOD JOBS good pr es NEW ROOFS repairs Ph 88-1245 IVERS ditioned 1417 Bi: gladly given Ph 4-6411 SI? UNDERWOOD portable typewriter Late model Must sacrifice for i50 for quick sale Call 2-3480 All work guaranteed CEMENT Portland :1 35 a bag Lee Gainsboro Buildmar Supplies 132 i vises all types forges $15 each castors all types fluorescent fixtures new '4 motors electric iron5- and manv other items Royal Sales L- Salvage 400 VV 79th St PI 9 VV 2 LARGE coconut trees 12th Ave LOT CLEARING VV 12rh St Ph 3-5381 ROOF TILE and soar repairs PHONE Youngblood 3-0704 Miami Roofing At Sheet Meta! Co Ire ALL Tvpes roofing and shet metal work' 550 VV 7th St Ph 3-8646 LARGE or small bulldozers acreage or lots Free estimates Carl Flock Ph eves 78-4101 SELECT VOl'R OWN FRUIT TREES Pa'ms and flowering shrubbery WATER PUMPS Mvers Home complete with vent pipe and rr-- Water Systems and Ingersoll-Rand stove boards 3-gaI capacity Bach contrifugal numps for every capable of heating 6 rooms $45 each NEW ACCORDION 120 BASS all shift keys professional instrument ITALO ORGANETTE --modern finest construction strictly hand reeds trorgeous case factory list 1450 accept reasonable offer Ph 9-6963 129 FOR MISCELLANEOUS BULLDOZER TD-13 We clean land ROOFING and solar water heaters anywhere Miami and vicinity Ph I new and repairs Nothing down 48-2156 36 months to pay LIT-) 148th St GERMAN police pups 9 weeks I Longworth breeding Ph 78-3132 3 A-l FOX HOUNDS $75 Near Bird HORSES MULES CATTLE WESTERN aridlf with ha made boots spurs Western shirts Musa Isle Indian Village 1700 VV 25th Ave GOING pory rirg business at sacrifice 2 ponies saddles and bridles Phone 4-9233 Ct Co 2140 oatn oi SPKiM Vl Tin-i vctrr-u- fc Ph 3-8497 Miami Ave Phone YoungDioon j-u'j trance riimscu? to 4-lt Vat ER PUMPS No-rirg down: 36 ROCK sand and fill Immediate de- livery Phone 3-7621 MUCK reck sand HE BILL Ph 2-9373 150 SQ FT of sheet rock 17 50 Also 1 double sash window 24x24 $450 T387 VV 69th St READY mix concrete $13 50 per yard Helton Ph 73-4505 OHIO finish lime Portland cemen-Rock lath ALLIED INDUSTRIES Dixie Hwv and VV 31st Ave Ph 4-7830 and 48-663s MISCELLANEOUS i FRIGERATORS WANTEI Any make or condition Mus-rr-c 331 2 -j A- Pr 2-7' 3 IF YOU WANT TO SELL ANT- THING PH 3-2631 BEFORE 5 WANTED Typewriters adding machines calculators Kardexes Blank 1214 VV 8th St WANT 50 PIANOS or organs any condition Bra in Piano House 2380 VV 7th St Ph 4-5965 USED miniature golf course clubs balls etc any amount McPad- ni ii eacn GENERAL Kl PAIRING -I" 1 GRAY marine engine Model 8-135 Completely rebuilt One 600-VVatt home light plant generator Two 24-battery rectifiers We buy junk bat-tere- Dill Battery Electric Service Ph 2-1433 15 S'h months to pay Youngblood 1100 St Ph 3-0704 Riviera Landscape Co Highway No I at South Miami TRAILER AWNINGS Recuced Prices LOTS or acreage cleared large or small bulldozers Contract or hour- ly Ph 4-0335 or 78-3373 WILSON A- HOPPER BULLDOZE: US DRAGLINES LOTS and acreage cleared Prompt service free estimates Ph 7-4381 ADDITIONS alterations repairs PromDt service Licensed contractors Ph 88-0434 wardrobe and $2995 NEW PACKING unks foot lockers and luggage BUuvut crocon tor 11 ixora 3295 16x11 10x20 10x22 10x24 dozen bouganvilla and travler's 1156 Miami Ave LIVESTOCK AUCTION Wednesday Jar 14th 3595 IS Qi Din ft nriRS marie new Electric palms Open Mon through Fri 10 till 4 240 22nd Ave Ph CONCRETE BLOCKS THE CATTLE market is unusually 2054 8th Ave Vero Beach Fla I floor sanders rented Dustless and der Complete With Ropes 4--J9o baa pjsv use Phone 3-8136 Phocrix we BLV msicnanaise good ROYAL SALE? SALVAGE CO high Bring your livestock to the Immediate delivery where you can get a com- PHONE 4-6733 ma FCDVTUIMr 15 400 79th Stree -I I petitlve bid it I PA1 RISC general repa: general SnppTy Co 19 lth Ave We pick hp Pn 20 NEW 6-FT refrigerators TOP PRICE for used clothing Al's 5220 Phone 5-0781 Fleisher 432 Miami Ave Ph 2-3213 I- 'N 1 1 I I I I vl New and used bougl MAINTENANCE and work 3 good experienced I duo oiq reic iraning irvs lprj 59Q1-03 VV 17-h Ave Ph 7-962 tor unusual VV BEST PRICES for used men's clothing shirts shoes 20 VV 5th METAL clothes poles 2105 32nd Ave Phone 48-3766 SCREEN doors Fancy grill plain combination 5937 2nd Ave READY MIXED CONCRETE FAST SERVICE Ph 78-2037 PLUMBING A complete stock for the home owner and builder ALSO IMMEDIATE CELIVfY tors Kelvinator 6' and 7' Scrvel Apt Size Ranges A Llpctric Rrinqeji Sperd Queen Washing Machinps Flpctnc Tablo Top Hot Watpr Heaters Cast Iron Tubs lis4i ri 5 vi 738 G2nri STREET Phono 7-fiSiq Ask lor Tommy Ph 73-9563 SINGLE and double garages converted into efficiency apis Free estimate Ph 4-4115 Reams Added New Porches Repair Work No Money Down 3 Years To Pay Phone or Write For Free Estimates AN Work Guarrmteed ontlnpnlal Construction Co 17 MeaiU'TER nc0E Phenyl 9-065T 4 4415 St Ph 3-9174 vv scaping effects Trees 125 GOOD used ice box 611 7th st Rd ph CONCRETE rumr Hcb Plants mesei engines tractors oianrs uiesei engines tractors ELECTRICAL AND HARDWARE SCREENS porches doors and steel PLUMBING fixtures Highest prices bathtubs sinks etc Call Richie 2116 VV 27th Ave Ph 3-4292 WILL purchase any kind of merchandise tools equipment or ma- I 1 ur it fLtfMHrit plan ted Sprayed rcYrfrr r--M imi 4r- -r- largest selection desks chairs 7 I SS FOlJ PNT safp? s- Ne'- rebuilt PTClYpr Pff rVPiPrt" 1-V 1 1 1 1 Wholesale discounts on quantity or- or7 SAMPSON ol- SON LIVESTOCK AUCTION BARN 2333 VV 79th St Ph 7-6764 WESTERN PONY saddle ant! bridle $150: beautiful gelding $175 both to $300 Ph 7-5752 LARGE pony saddle bridle and halter child's pel 2430 VV I6th Ter Ph 43-7873 1 4 0 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES PFEEDS WRITE FOR FALL PRICES ENGLKMAN HATCHER? AVON PARK FLORIDA 3UPPU HOME OWNERS PLUMBING SUPPLY CO 854 S- 27-h Ave Ph 4-0569 OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 chmery Ph 4-7696 Ph 3-8702 vv noesae -r rg 30th St windows 12 years experience in Miami Ph 78-5132 after 5 CARPENTRY screening additions hurricane repairs Phone 73-2198 CABINETS and miHwork genera re- pairs and maintenance Ph 9-3611 MASONRY tile tile roof leaks screens doors windows glazing ADDING MACHINE advice free Maytime ra rork mas-r ssnd sand muck and fill ROCK ecfeeninc 4 3 0 6 i blasnne Pick up Delivery Plant op- week end' 3000 38th Ave 1 Turn over J8th St Bri'iz'v rei's ana iav- -trv g2no 2nd Kve and fittings 1333 7-6'3'4 FLA rUHNITURB HOSPITAL rr PREFER portable Dav Ph 5-5964 WANTED welding orrh ehareer electric jnaer Al-lara'tah Pa-: Boar Snop 1033 ft St 656 BATHTUBS built i atones soil pip St SHEET rock delivered and installed ii Pa 73-0231 cauici'g pa aster ng fuccc Ph 73-7363 1mm i.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.