265 VACATION SPOTS 272 MOVING STORAGE 235 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 274 OFFICES, STORES 280 HOUSES WANTED TO BUY 274 OFFICES, STORES 275 WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES THE VANCOUVER SUN: JAN. 10, 1977 41 295 HOME BUILDING LOTS 1 296 MOBILE HOMES WHITE ROCK Adorable 12x54 Parkwood, per feet for the person retiring, pad rental only $65 per mo. Close to buses ft shopping, lovely park. To view ph. 585-1521.
(L457) LANGLEY Immed. possession, on this delux. 2 bdrm. Lsto Villa, brick feature wall with fireplace, love-ly front kitchen, with loads of cupboard spare. Priced to sell.
A beautiful park with low pad rental, 583-1521 (L.469) SURREY i.t The smart buyer can purchase this beautiful 12x60 1975 Bendlx for a song ft your olier. Will look 0 Coquitlam. new 3 BR dpx WW. gas folaie. fridge, stove washer, dryer, cport, no pets.
615 Lea Ave. 959-1282. Avail Immed. 3 BR duplex Kits, area. s.i.Mi mo.
922-576U Lonsdale'l'pper Levels, 3 BR upper, 423. 980-2872. 2 BR. 17th. Cambie.
$359, t'til. Si appls. Im 524-1565. 240 SLEEPING ROOMS In old home, 1431 Howe, share kit. Sc bathroom, avail.
immed. $75. Bedford Equities, 736-3551, West End, reas. rates, fully turn, c.v., t.v., 682-3017. Mr.
noun. Loe. rm. dally, weekly monthly rates. St.
James Hotel. 32 fc. Hastings. 683-9962. Kits.
Live bv the bearh. New York Apt. Hotel 733-0720 Gastowil Lodge 176 Powell, reasonable, clean, call 669-3532. 506 West 7th Ave. Deluxe.
Only $85 mo. Sleeping rm avail, immed $85. 916 W. Broadway. Priv.
ww, newly dec, Pref. gent. 874-1800. Clean warm room. Male, nun smoker.
$65. 261-4393. End. Quiet wrkg. man.
$65. 1729 Nelson. 685-4701 pm. Bsmt. room, fridge, hot plate.
Kits. $65. 732-6156. Clean room, private entrance, nr. Cambie.
876-7862. Student or vvkg, man. With breakfast $120 mo. 731-6JJZ. Good Starter 3 level condominium.
3 bdrms, range, fireplace, lij baths In good area. Owners must sell ail for $40,900. Call John Armen- eau 524-2347. Titus Rlty. Ltd.
581-5221 245 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS New Kind. A HIV rms. Central lnratlnn Fiit'ii I'riHna Jtr elevator Sc maid service. $100 to $120 mo. Hnzeiwood Hotel, 344 E.
Hastings. 687-9126. Nicely turn. HK rms. in Apt.
BIks. from $115 incl. heat, light. CV. 950 Bidwell, Van.
685-4954. 363 4th N. Van, 984-9007. CAPITOL ROOMS Sleeping 4 HSKP. R.MS, from Ji to J3iWK.
611 Robson St. Clean comfortable rms. with cooking facil. fridges, $80 to 83 mo. caoie t.v.
669-M613, 222 Keefer St. 853 E. Pender St. H.K. stes.
Sc rooms. rec. table. $22 Sc up. cipg.
ui n.is. tins. suiyia double. Daily Sc weekly rates. 1060 Granville St.
688-6044. H.K. fridge stove $25 Sc $30 week. Working men Plaza Hotel, 806 Richards St. West End, Reas.
rates, fully furn. c.v., t.v., 682-3017. Mr. Holin. share htlt nr.
32MaIn. 255-4G26. Furo. Own kin hen. share hath.
Girl only. $80. mo. 682-3529. Comf.
rm. for non-smoker Dunbar res. area also gd. accom. Sc board for hsewrk.
736-4775. jin in, nuiT'ciid) i.uuJ Sc PNE. Lovely view $105. 879-7631 Sc 255-7429. Lf L' Broadway-Fraser.
fridge, lit. plate. $100. 873- 5749. Km.
with balcony, $110 mo. utils. nr. bus Sc stores, Grar.dview. 254-7332.
West End. 2 parking $134 mo. Quiet man. 681- 7671. Gastowil Lodge.
176 Powell, reasonable, clean, call 669-3532. Lge. new rms. ww carpets lor men, 168 E. 27.
ait. 6. Kits, student or wrkg. man. $75.
733-3203. Downtown, clean quiet. Share kltrh. $75. 683-3905.
Rm. for rent In New West. mo. 524-1044. 49th'Fraser, HK rm.
torrent. $110. 324-2751 at. 5pm. 5llr, 7th Ave.
Deluxe. Only $85 h. turn room. 9 inoiiTll. 3 I jl, Quiet gent.
p.m. Fridge. 3573 Welwyn. 879-8992. Room Sc deck.
East Vane. $123. 525-6604. LHK, quiet wkg. oent.
$27 wk. 1122 Bute St. 685-2581 Kits, share bath, own kitch. $103. avail, immed.
228-0219. W. Fuel H.K. furnished. 1357 Barclay St.
Lae. 2 suit oniet mid- aged wky. lady. VGH. 874-8381 Priv.
entr. Sc share-fr. bath. Sc st. 876-1162.
AM only. Good area. Large room. $110. 669-3631 or 732-5598.
U.B.C. share bath Sc util. small $70. 228-0219 UK rinwnr.t.vn. Ofl man prer.
6H3-9a. bath. $150. Wkg! man. 733-0203 Kitchen privileges.
7 V. $83 mo. Wkg. girl. 738-8075.
254 RETIREMENT HOMES need, frhaughnessy Manor presents 'economy restaurant concept." Phone Mrs. MacKenzie. See also Homes. Class. 255 BOARD ROOM Barclay Manor West End.
Reas. rates. 1447 Barclay, 683-8864. Room Sc Board to old aye pen sioner, Richmond area. Eves.
271-0140. Rm. Sc Bd. females onlv. Wkdys call alt.
6:30 p.m. 291-0227. For mid. aged or older person, strictly Kosher home. On Oak nr.
37th. 264-5215. Rm. Sc brd: LBC. sauna, color TV.
224-3562. 224-9684 733-4769. Working oent. Pleasant home. $160.
Wrkg. rm, TV. $140 mo. 325-9175. 262 MOTELS I HOTELS Hotel For Young PeoDle In Gastown.
Rates: $5 daily, $25 weekly, $85 mo. 3 blks. north of Bus Depot. Maid service. 314 Cambie.
Days: 681-3148 Eve: 681-2737 7026 Kitigway at Middlegate. Blue Haven Motel. Single family units. Telephone cable TV. Inspect A compare.
524-8501. $55 wk. up. Mod. 1 4 2 br.
apts. Cable TV, fully furn. nice, poss. Horseshoe Bay Motel. Ferries.
tennis, fishing, golf, cable TV, kitch. Weekly, mo. 921-7454. SPECIAL $85 M0. Marble Arch Ho.
518 Richards. Gastowil Lodge. 176 Powell, reasonable, clean, call 669-3532, 1 2 B.R. s.c. Daily wk.
mo. Low rates. 298-9543. TV, bath phone. 7610 Kingsway.
521.8891. 265 VACATION SPOTS See Special Section 270 GARAGES PARKING Parking $15 monthly. 3 min. walk to city centre. 1246 Haro Sc 1345 Nelson.
Locked storage for tars. small boats. $15 mo. 437-7688. 272 MOVING I STORAGE Brite Way Moving St Storage Exp.
household piano movers. Fully equip. Sl insured. Phone 25 hours a dav. 525-7010.
For your next move Call Excel Moving 733-8887 Move with us. save $15. 2 men. 7 days, 298-6326 St 931- 7882. 112 ton van.
All jobs acceptable. $15 hr, additional hrs. $10. 327-3033- Storage rm. Marpole.
heat St light. 200 394-4176, 437-7498. E.C. Moving Ltd. exp.
in pianos. Reas. rates. 879-6445. Trucks with vans Moving, other jobs.
733-9898. Scandinavian Movinq Ltd Moving A Storage. 324-5013 Storage space avail, for boat, tars or furniture. 988-4652. Master Moving Storage Ltd, 20" vans, 2 men.
$22.50 hr. Eaulpped insured Charoex Local Sc long distance. 437-6612 LlroD-A-Traller 30 semi trailers. Local move. $55.
long distance $1.25 per loaned mile. 435-3790. cnargex. Moving, rubbish removal. Share a load.
467-1808 Movinq done anytime, 879 4378 or 526-0903. 274 OFFICES, STORES Prime air conditioned office space available at competitive rates: VANCOUVER Downtown core: 123S sa. ft, carpeted Sc fully partitioned. 4 lge. private offices, general of.
flee tc reception storage available immed. on good sub. lease at excel, rate in central Georgia St. location. Granville at utn: sou a lauu sq.
it available now. SOUTH BURNABY Kingswav Sc Denbigh: 763 ft. available Feb. 1st incl. free parking.
NORTH VANCOUVER Westlynn Mall: 500 to 2200 ft. available now at Lynn alley Mountain way Avoid the bridges and use our ample tree parking. For details contact: Doug Small, jjiock Bros. Heaity Ltd. 208 1030 W.
Georgia St. 685' 8511. OFFICE RENTALS N. Bbv 7000 sa. ft.
2 st. blda on long lease. Fully carpeted Sc A. c. pte.
exec, oil ices. or N. Bby. 2 office, both 600 sq. ft.
on Hastings St. or N. Surrey 3,000 ssq. ft. very deluxe fully carpeted Sc A.C.
for lease. For details call Mr. Copp 299-6288 or 985-4030 eves. GENER AL REALTY LTD. IMMEDIATE furnished offices Secretarial Services Telephone Answering Telex-Xerox CANADA BUSINESS CENTRES LTD.
Royal Centre 687-9551 Toronto 416-622-7500 Montreal 514-697-9600 Ottawa 615-563-0284 LANGLEY CITY New prof, medical dental building available Feb. 1977. Fully air ample parking, incl. washrooms. Excellent location one block off Fraser Highway in downtown Langlev.
For leasing iiuui iiidiiuu can I) ayue rcn eauii 594-6614. Richmond Retail Westminster Hwy. Sc No. 3 Road, 992 sq. ft at $750 per mo.
Fully air conditioned. Fantastic location with Babco Paint in the same bldg. Professional Realty Corp 736-1266 National Trust Bldg. 980 W. Pender Prestige dow ntown location.
Attractive office space of approx. 1.800 sq. ft. at reasonable rental rate. Avail, immed.
For details call Dave Busheil week davs 9-4. 684-8431. Packaged Offices Furnished or unfurnished Executive office including secretarial and answering service at 558 Howe St. Call Steve Stevens 266-7151. 2021 W.
41st Private Package Offices All you need is stationery Sc a phone You're In businessl We supply secretary services, furnishings, parking, telex, Broadway at Hemlock 733-1116 Spacious New Store For Kent on a monthly or lease basis. Ideal location 4 rent. At 1142 W. Georgia St. Contact Jack Card, lsy's Supper Club, or I 684-5022.
SMALL OFFICE Priv. office approx. 400sq.ft., ww immed, reas. rent. Kingsway Sc Vic.
area. 2121 Kingsway, Mr Caraway 253-7744, eves. 324-4959. Small Offices Air conditioned, carpeted, at Beach Sc Howe, 6th. Sc rain, Sc Edmunds Sc canada Way.
Short or long lease. 683-4481. (38-0055. STORES -OFFICES Hudson Place 73rd Sc Hudson, 50 sq. it, or more Call H.
Bovd City Trust l.C.I. Division 752-3731 (24 hrs.) or 261-4133 ATTENTION: AGENTS Sc MANUFACTURER'S REPS. Furnished offices, full secretarial services. Available immedlately tor short or long lease. 33 t.
Broadway. 873-8361. One workshop (heat Sc light Incl.) 200 sq. ft. $75 One workshop Sc office 1000 sq.
ft. $250 mo. Apply Northern Building Supply 321-6141, eves. 261- 0530 FOR LEASE Ideal office space 1214 sq. ft.
Ste. No. 202 116 E. 3rd North Van. Easy access to parking facil.
Util. incl. Call William Gene. 291-2495. Offices, Stores, Warehouses Factories all areas LEASING DIVISION MONTREAL TRUST 688-4411 For or sale, mediial of fices, air cond.
1059 Ridgeway Coq. avail. Jan II It. Howard IU111S 9JS-6481 or 936-9109, eves. 1000 sq.
ft. prime office space. Avail, in Burnaby distri- outton center. 4oo per mo. incl.
light, heat, etc. Call G. Downtown Lanqley Cl zoned, lots of parking. 1500- i300 sq. ft.
avail. Reas. rent. J.D. Marshall, 277-4342.
Lease with option to purchase. New comm. bldg. in Whalley, 800 to 8000 sq. ft.
585-2501, 581-6046. Attractive retail space for rent, 1000 sq. ft. busy shopping area on VV. 10th nr.
Varsity Theatre. 733-8787 0.4T1 IIadiVC T- irAV 2 rms. office. $100 mo. Heat Sc ngnt inci.
Avail now. bljccuss RLTY. 682-5284. OFFICE SPACE DENMAN 300 8.f. $175 1200 s.f.
$750. Liberal allowance for longer leases. Van Dome 594-1690. Air conditioned offices, lge. 4c small, 800 to 10,000 sq.
12th. Sc Yew. 683-4481. 738-0OS5. 1416 Commercial Drive Office space suitable for prof essional use.
In good central location. ZDd-zazj. New 500 sa. ft. warehouse 12x12 office.
$200 shippin-g 'receiving Sc phone answering avail. S.E. Marine Dr. 324-1220. Newly renovated office ste.
consisting of 3 office units. Re ception area Sc kitch. $400mo. 33 E. Broadway.
873-836 1. 1300 6a. ft. Air cond. offices.
Vic. 6th and Granville. $400 per m. oreig Heaity 261-7284 Start vour store now! Low rent from $150 up incl. all utili- ties.
687-6329. 731-1435. Office spaces (all sizes) for lease, prime Kingsway location. IRES Canada Ltd. 732-7467.
Dntwn. 1170 Hornbv. 2200. 2500 Sc 3300 sa. ft.
main fir. or air cond. 2nd. 873-4309. Store approx.
650 sq. ft. Bright, clean. Dunbar at 16th. $175.
738-9311. Brentwood Area Office 1000 sq. ft. at only $340 mo. Wood 5199-7468.
eves. 943-3366 N. Van, 1558 Lonsdale, nice new carpeted office, 600 s. parking, low rent. 874-4513 ROBSON ST PRiME LOC Call bet.
7 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 526-4014. Offiie. 450 sa.
ft. Broadway junction Kingsway Main. Heat, light sink incl. 876-3549. Office Space Available For Info.
Phone 263-2761. Commercial space. Kingsw ay area, 736-5833 2000 sq. ft. Edmonds Sc Kings- wav, San Realty 682-0366.
Mod. offices. N. Van. Waterfr.
Seymour Rlty. 683-1415 900 sa. ft. New West. Archer Realty.
687-2661. Office or Store for Rent $500 mo, 3775 Main 327-6921 2145 E. Hastings, mod. 350 sq. ft.
office. $100. 253-6925. Dntwn. 580-Davie.
New big. Retail or office. 873-4309. Choiie offices 500 900 sq. ft.
8th Sc Cambie. 325-1755. 775 Davie St. gd. corner store for rent.
Jang 684-9975. SURREY PRIME RETAIL King George Centre-across from Surrey Place 1 100 to 3100 sq. ft. with frontage on King George Hwy. SCOTT-TOWN PLAZA 96th Sc Scott Rd.
Retail 1200 to 4000 sq. ft. busy shopping centre Ideal for hardware, paint, furniture, etc. 13638 GROSVENOR ROAD New retail and office air-cond. good access, heavy traflic, Avail, now, SURREY Office 2000 to 4500 sq.
alr-cond. covered parking prestige building. SURREY RETAIL DISTRIBUTION 4.25-6.00sq. ft. 800-8200 sq.
ft. air-cond. Avail, ample parking. CALL 585-2131 MACAULAY N1COLLS MAITLAND Sc CO. LTD.
10029 136A Street Surrey, B.C. Available Immediately Prime Office Space 1070W. Broadway 500 2,000 sq. ft. of ideally located, air conditioned office space.
Heat Sc parking Included. Phone Ron Demolsky at 736-9111. TOP QUALITY Low Price 2,000 sq. ft. fully carpeted ft partitioned into several private ft general offices.
Air cond. 2 washrooms. New bldg. Bridge port Rich. Only $3.50 per sq.
ft. net. D. Tourlgny 596-0161 Tourigny Hall ft Assoc. 980-4316 NOW AVAILABLE 22315 LOUGHEED HWY.
MAPLE RIDGE 1,100 sq. ft. of prime ground level office or retail space. Stra tegically located ft air conditioned. For more details contact Ron Demofsky at 736-9111.
Unions Ideal air-cond. office space. 2800-5800 sq. ft. Good parking.
Central Bby. location. Long term leases. $4.25 sq. ft.
Call Mr. Carr, 435-8638, 298-7244. Bishop Realty Ltd. ROYAL TRUST 138 West Hastings Prime retail store opposite Woodwards, 3400 sa. ft.
Low rent, long firm lease available. Immediate possession. Steve Floris 736-6488 or 685-2471 Gilley Kingsway New 1 .000 sa. ft. air conditioned office for rent.
Walls Sc parti tions to be subdiveded per ten- lants requirements. $500 per month 2-yr. lease with option for renewal. Avail, immed. Apply 438-4351.
Retail store to sublet, located on Columbia St. In downtown New Westminster. Approx. 4000 sq. nicely finished interior with excel, display window frontage.
Open to offers. For more info, phone Mr. G. Mohr, 669-1245. 9.30-6.
MARINE NORTH VAN Prestige office ft retail pace. sq. ft. Fully air cond. iG pkg.
Divided ft built to suit. Street level retail. New Modern Building Direct from Builder, 988-4158 Prime Locations Space for stores or offices Sheraton Plaza 500 500 W. 12th Ave. Van.
John Hale 873-1811 WEST BROADWAY Attractive office bldg, offers 8000 sq. ft. on ground and sec ond floor. Corner location. Some view.
R. Henderson, Newcombe Realty Ltd. 266-9121. 930 WEST PENDER Ground floor office or retail space of approx. 262 sa.
ft. at reasonable rental rate. Avail. immed. For details call Dave Busheil 684-8431 weekdays 9-4.
NORTH SHORE For office space on the North Shore call Jim Black 988-9269 North Shore Realty 134 E. 14th 985-7185 4738 East Hastings Carpeted, grnd. fir. storeoff. New Bldg.
Free Pkg. 605 sq. ft. $275 mo. 263-5569 StoreOffice to Rent 3601 W.
16th at Dunbar. 924 sq. ft. Will redecorate. J.
Brooke, Clay Realty, 926-8631, Home 922-6441, 41st 4 VICTORIA Office 2nd 620 sq. $110 heated. Caretaker suite $159 mo. heated, less allowance. Call Brendon Bros.
Ltd. 325- 141 or 4Q J-o ivu. Richmond 3.600 sa. ft. De luxe office suite for lease.
$5.25 rate Call Gerald Eedy, res. 277-2401 or27B-a881 MacUON- ALD ft EEDV. Full floor 14,000 so. ft. Also, partial floor at 2300 sa.
ft. New air conditioned offices, Howe St. nr. new Government complex. Exc.
rate. 266-9485. W. BROADWAY AT OAK Office space from 150 to 3200 sq. ft.
at $3.75 to $6.50 per sq. ft. Modern, improved sc air con ditioned 682-6839. OFFICE SHARING 7895 Kinaswav. Bbv.
$75. Secre tary services, desk, parking. 526-1626. Single offices from $70. dou ble offices from $135.
Also larg er areas. Dorset Realty Group. 683-4521. New shopping centre in Delta. 10.000 sa.
ft. Suitable for any business. 11161 84th St. 434-4383. 5774 VICTORIA DRIVE Retail store or office approx.
550 sq. ft. Heat incl. $250 mo. Avail now.
682-5284. Small Offices 640 W. Broadway. Reas. AM, 874-3141; PM, 733-4966.
1200 sa. ft. de luxe space 225 W. 2nd. 2 stores, ideal for club, banquets or office ft display.
683-4481, 738-0053. Office space, Bridgeport 135' $150. Tel- ans civ. ig- 01 74. Concrete vault, ideal for stor age, 1510 sq.
ft. $377 per mo. Short or long lease. 683-4481. 73H-UU53 1000' around floor office space New Westminster.
W. E. Dempsey ft Co. Ltd. 326-3828.
925 sa. ft. office space on Georgia. Newcombe Realty Ltd. 266-S121.
Best location 48th ft Eraser over 1600 sa. ft. Rent $900 327-3800, Store, office with warehouse at E. Hastings. 438-6866.
253- 3353. WEST END STORES 700 s.f. $475. 500 s.f. $325 Van Dome 594-1 690 Small of fice soace available.
Broadway ft Alma area. 738- 3151, Retail store space, 1172 Davie, approx. 900 sq. ft. 224-4495 after 5 p.m.
Wanted approx. 400' office space. Ambleside or close to Ca- pilano. 926-7732. 9nnn ft rtfitm.
AC. i.arl i. Hon, park, 4341 E. Hastings. aS-B46, 255-1566.
tl D.naiuc tH Leasing Specialists 689-8451. Rental Sne. tali.H Morris Realty Ltd. 271 Share WBroadway office. steno, tel.
ans. 736-1208. Leasing specialists at your ser- vice. Abbot 261-8121. Stores $150 ft up in Gastown.
687-6329 or 731-1435. Laroe new offices in Richmond $282 mo. Call 682-2648. Over 9000 sa. ft.
Downtown. hall, offices. 337 W. Pender. 4738 E.
Hastinqs, 605 sq. ft. $295. St. level.
263-5569. 9-5 930 sq. ft. in Brentwood In-dust. bldg.
Goodrich 873-4811. 581 Hornby, 2500 sq. ft. 2nd fir. Low rent.
873-4309. 900 sq. ft. Store or Office, New West. $300.
438-5177. Lord Jim's Lodae Need a break? Try Lord Jim's for a restful retreat. En.ioy delirious meals by the lire. 25 secluded waterfront acres. 13 miles north ol Sechelt.
lor reservations 687-8212. Palm Springs luxury 2 RR 2 ba. Twnse. in oref. area, beaut.
turn, pools, etc. Close to all lai II. Avail Jail IS 926-41 16. 3-UH condominium at Whistler Mountain for rent by day or week, bleeps 1 2 persons. Phone Gerry Judge.
331-0467. WHISTLER studio to 3 bdrm. rondo's by day or week. Ph. GARO 932-5385.
Kihei, Maui: 1 Sc 2 bdrm. con-dos. Beach. 2 pools, tennis. TV.
325-4454 or 684-5597 wnistier on coiwo at nit' base. Sleeps 8. $390wk. 224-1559. Deluxe 2 br.
apt. in Honolulu vail. Jan. Sc part of Feb. Sc Mar.
266-8131. Maui, deluxe 1 BR waterfront rondo wkitch. farlls. Avail. April 14.
Call 943-8011. Maui. 2 BR apt. on beach. Reas.
Can accom. 6. 327-8495. Want-Ads Will Bring You FAST RESULTS At A LOW COST! Place One Today Telephone 736-2211 235 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 5 br. new drapes St ww.
Cport, sundeek. CV heat ind. Avail. Feb. 1.
4 appis. 876 8693. 1556 East 15th. NEW DLXE AVAIL 1MMED. 5211 Domionion.
Bby. 6 BR, 3 baths. Could suit 2 families. 299-8241. SxS 2 BR.
developed basmt. Brantford Ave. S. Burnaby, $3 Rets. No pets, avail.
Jan. 15th, 437-1485. Marpole. mod. 3 BR upper du plex, 4 ww, cport St leiicea nr.
dus. no peis. 327-2756 or 228-1348. 692 VV. 70th.
3 Br. upper duplex, drapes, washer- dryer. fridge, stove. 1 child or pet. S385 mo.
324-0586. St L.R. 2 patibs, larqe fenced yard. Feb. 1.
$350. 274-0271. or 325-6654. Coquitlam. deluxe 5 BR ww.
Iqe. LR, fp, tin. rec. rm. appls close to schools, ex.
loca- tlon. phone 943-9089. ,11., rUan 12 close to everything, Avail. Feb. 1., No doys.
Rets. $325'mo. 581-7558. Beautiful huge 4 BR ste. above store.
New drapes, w.w.. fplc, ridye 'stove. $325. 1322 Kings-wav. 874-4518.
3-5 br's. or in-law ste. nr. Fouqheed Mall, Cog. Phone 980-2135 eves, or 984-9381 days.
3 BR, f'place. separate dining newly painted, fridqe, stove. 1 blk. to Broadway. 738-6771 eves.
5 Rms! Only $295 Off Cambie. carpeted, vacant. Decorated. Pets OK. 732-5090.
Deluxe duplex in fcf Li area, everything one could want for gracious living. $425 291- 1654. Van 2 BH dlxe. spacious, newly done $350: 1 BH apt: fireplace $235: 2 BR apt; tireplace $275. 988-5633-6853.
SXS. 3 BR. Iridge. stove, vvw, washerdryer, Imperial Frederick, Buy, 327-4217. New ir.
Midtilegate area, 3 5 BR. $425 4 $525. 526-8832 or 435-5185. 26th Main, now avail, lge, 2 BR with ww, utils. incl.
$300 mo, 873-6129. S. Bby. SxS 3 BR, 2 baths, F'place. stove, iridge.
Feb. 1. $370. 433-6964 aft. 4.
Avail, immediately, deluxe SxS 3-BR. lull bsmt. $400 mo. Surrey, 591-1 088. SURRK.Y FROM $375MO.
New 3 BR duplexes in good locations. Call Mr. Wood. 584-9304. Lge.
3 BR duplex with enste. raised f'place. Surrey. 879-3120 or 273-9394. Hrlen.
SxS. Appls. 3 w.w., li; baths, quiet. $385. Children OK, Nr.
SFl', 298-9024. DLXE LOWER DUPLEX Capital Hill location. Ideal for older or retired cple. 299-8241. lge.
1 BR. WW, fridge, stove, drapes. Utils. incl. $210.
Feb. 1. 438-8569 alt. 6. 4 BR, ww, Iridge, stove, lit.
Sc elec. incl. Victoria Sc Marine. Avail. Feb.
1. $395. 324-5694. Avail. now Coq.
nr Mall. 3 BR nr new, loads extras, $398 mo. 921-7213. 936-4213. 2-BR upper duplex.
Avail. Jan. 15. $25 mo. phis utilities.
7556 Eraser. 277-4483. 2 4 BR stes. drapes, carpet, fridges, stoves. Kids welc.
3225 Clark Dr. Sperling Sc Burns. S. Bby. 2 BR SvS, tull no appls.
$275. Feb. 1. 255-6703 Ing space. Family prei'd.
Avail, now, 254-0370. 2-BR upper dup. Broadway Sc Vic. Dr. $295 mo.
Avail, immed. 669-5831: 253-3878 eves Large 2 BR. main floor, avail, Feb. 1, $260. 6th Sc Victoria Dr.
437-5295. 3 BH upper fridge, stove, heat. 67th 'Cambie. $340. Feb.
1. No pets. 321-1427. I.ge. 2 bdrm.
bsmt. ste. $250 incl. ht Sc It. fridge, stove, car-pet.
F.P. 584-5571 Srv. Pt. 3 2 baths, carport, as new. Fenced yard.
$325. No dogs. 942-4026. nni. close to school 4c transp.
$340. 937-5468. Deer Lake area, upper duplex. 2 bdrm. Sc studio, enste.
Avail. Feb. 1st. 291-0868. SxS duplex, Pt.
Coq. area. 2 BR, Range Sc fridge, new carpet throughout. $315 mo, 942-0909, rrv iiitiyf, siue. ileal light incl.
$395. 14th Commer-fial. 437-1904. 3 BR lower duplex. fp drapes, ww, friJge, stove.
No pets. Further Into. 581-4989. Spacious 3-BR. 1'2 baths, FP, bale, w-w, drapes, stove.
fridge. $350. Coq. 939-3986 W. End, lux.
lge. 2 BR main washer, dryer, $373 mil. incl. 684-6885, Extra large SxS 1 Br duplex, WW. big yard, carport, nr.
6ttl Edmonds. $285. 435-2922. SxS. 3 BR.
ww, fridqe. stove bsmt. vie. of Williams Sc No. 4.
274-0296. Dlxe. new 2 BR ww, f.p., fridge stove, washerdrver, no pets. Ktrd. $270.
274-1599. 804 W. 69th. 2 BR sxs $300. Children welc.
253-6923. 299-3652 2 BR ste. Surrey. $300 incl. utll.
526-7592 eves. Immed. avail. Coq. Sc Bby.
3 4 oonn. 522-7059 alt. 3 1fl A 11h Aia an duplex. 321-8152 uu $350 Surrey 588-0451. 530-2441 1 1 h.lrm i I n.
place, $215. 525-6604. 3 br. duplex, 3860 Fir St. Bby.
434-9256. Lge. 2 bdrm. N. West'r.
$290. Fireplaie. W.W. 525-6604. Coq.
new 3 BR upper, view, Jan. 15. 986-2739. Mod. sxs 3 br.
S. Bby, $360 mo. No pets. 435-8757. 1 7th Sc Victoria Dr.
i BR SXS upper also 2 BR ste. down. 299-6398. 2 BR plex, Van. Small pets allowed.
922-6956. 2 BR. like new. ww. fp, $260 mo.
2303 Main. 926-2238. 3BR. $200, Alain Sc 20th 685-0687. 3 BR, ww, appl.
no pets. Bby. $325. 525-4145. 438-5073.
Mod. 3 BR nr. White RocV. w.w.. drapes.
531-1043 Newlv bit. 3 BR. S. Burnaby, stove Sc fridge. 522-8755.
Lonsdale, L'Pper Levels, 3 BR upper, 'place, $425. 980-2872. 2 BR bsmt. cahs or terms O.K. Homes Ltd.
437-1136 Handyman needs older type home, tan, All cash. 738-2331 288 LISTINGS WANTED We require homes, lots ft acreages for our sales people to satisty enquiries of purchasers. Western Pacific Rlty. Ltd. 2721 E.
Hastings Vauc. 255-134K eves. 980-4109 Listing needed evaluations on reauest. Ask aboutcross coun try interim financing through our bridge loan program when you plan to re-locate. Canada Trust 261-9A31, 24 nrs.
Clients waiting for condomini ums or small homes. Century 21 Vernon Lowe Realty 373-8041 Wanted, homes for newcom ers, quick sale. Ph. Mr. Jang, 266-6639, Merit Realty 685-3304.
IF ITS REAL ESTATE WE WILL LIST IT AND SELL IT. ANY SIZE. ANY PLACE. THE PbK.MAINfcNT 43B-8161. We are 3 Reasons why you should list your property with Eastern Estates Ltd.
(1975) 581-0481 or 939-0889. List now. for quick sale. LLOYD MONTGOMERY LTD. 879-6111 For List with SABIL REALTY LTD.
588-4477 or 530-7147. Listings needed, cash buyer waiting for your home. Starr ft Porter Klty. Ltd. 253-4111.
To sell or mortgage your home call National Trust 926-7701 (24 hrs.l or 684-8431 GREEN ACRES REALTY The Home of 3'2 Commission 872-8586 (24 Selling, call a professional M.A.R.S. Realty 872-0131 yrs. Brendon Bros. 325-1241. List with us for results.
George Yen ft Assoc. 438-5431 Team Realty Ltd 512-6th New west. 3H2-4611. Ol Listing wanted 594-2404. W.
H. GALLAGHER LTD. 402 W. Pender 684-1448 Greentree Realty Ltd. 1097 VV.
Broadway 734-2288 F. A. Cleland ft Son Real Estate 266-2321 Business Listings Wanted E. A. ALM LTD.
731-2121 Village Park Realty Inc. 639 Clyde W. Van. 926-851 1 Slinger Realty Ltd. Park Royal.
W. Van. 922-1224 Park Avenue Developments Ltd. 510 W. Hastings 685-1395 Houses wanted, Brentwood Pk.
Coppendale Agencies 291-1333 Business listings wanted. Whltely 922-4191. Lewis Rlty. 292 HOUSES WTD. TO BUILD Harmex Drafting Service Custom builders, your lot or ours.
75T-Q0I5, 380-9H03 eves, 295 HOME BUILDING LOTS LOTS We iy cash for lots In Vancou. ver ft Burnaby M. CIPRIANO 435-9018 MAIA 437-6094 HABITAT REALTY 438-3501 SEAFAIR GARDENS RAILWAY ft FRANCIS (Controlled Subd.) 3 lots left 60 117 and larger, we have terms, buy now before it is too late. TONY MAROCCO 327-5464, SAXTON REALTY 736-3411, 8, VIEW ACRES Underground services, paves sts, tall trees, panoramic view, 2 ml from White Rock, mins to Vane via freeways. Builder's terms at 8 int.
FP $37,500. Phone now r.LSS WICKS 581-1181 (eves 531-4785). HILLTOP AGENCIES LTD. BY OWNER Beautiful 10 acres. Burke Mountain, Coquitlam.
Gently sloping. well treed, borders Provincial Park. Holding property, priced to sell. $90,000. Phone 942 0403 or 942-5203 evenings.
BUCKINGHAM HEIGHTS 1 lot on Cul de Sac off Lambeth Drive. 62.5 167. $35,000 524-1010. West Side Wanted West Side building lots. Top prices paid.
DON FULLER FULLER ELLIS RE- ALTY LTD. 263-2521. 7194 Calllster. Bbv. (Loug heed Hwy.
ft Dalryland) New Homes area. 80'xl20 Ask mid $40. Offer please! Centennial Rty. 873-8504. $34,900 selectively cleared 66x120 cor.
Loretta ft Mt. Sey. mour Parkway. Builders terms or will arrange build on contract. K.
G. Healer Realtor eves. 922-5642. N. BURNABY Duplex.
Corner 84'xl02. Good location. Level ft cleared. Call George McNiven, 298-5842. Burrard Brokerage, 294-3155.
BUILDERS IN BURNABY 40 lots, underground services, treed, sidewalks, curbs, etc. BEN LAGOS 939-9295 or 939. 8220. (res). ALLEY ESTATES LTD.
BUILDERS 40 Cloverdale lots from $24,000. Some with view. JOHN ARCHER 594-8859 or 581-3321. WOLSTENCROFT REALTORS A.H.O.P. Lot Available.
Eve Pollard 594-1912 Ron Applewhite 942-9538 Glengarry Estates Ltd. 581-1151 WANTFD! Building lots 1 to 10 sewer or septic in N. Surrey or Langley. Call Vic 576-2579 BRENTWOOD Builders! Lots (60x120) available (side side) Call Tony Verlaan at Aurora Realty, 521-3701 or 299-7046 res. Serviced lots South Surrey.
White Rock area. Call Bob Olma. 531-1981: 531-1455. Olma Bros. Realty (1B73I no.
0. KS CHOICE LOTS Central N.W. location, 53x100', 139.500 ea. Terms. 588-5477 days.
526-3014 evgs, view viuy mia ciuyiuus No. Surrey subdiv. with ug services. $30,500 to $31,500. 435-6094.
Tsawwassen Building Lots George Hodgins Realty Ltd. Call 943-2203 Cash for bldng. lots Van. or Bby. Morton-Ho Realty, 438- 1455 Too prices paid for Building Lots.
All Cash. Call Hans. 433- 8687. 434-2626. Mitten Rlty LOTS WANTED VANCOU- VER-BURNABY.
ANY SIZE. THE PERMANENT 438-8161. Kerrisdale Lot 41x182 A. Putt 263-4628 Twn A.H.O.P. unser- vlced ocean view lots In Port Moody.
$11.500 ea. 931-3133. Two 54' wide lots. Port Coq. $26,900.
A. Marshall 939-6314 Agt. Waterfront 80 ft. app. Howe Sound view.
Mid $80vs. 922- 7136 Currie Paddon, 922-3977. Builders N. Delta. 7 sewered lots from $26,000.
Titus Realty Ltd. 581-5221. North Shore bldg. lots wanted. Crest Construction, 983-9811 Lots wanted on the West Side, Seaboard Estates.
731-4194. 2 Choice Haney Lots 85x131' Burnaby Estates 937-3674 Lots wanted, N.V. any size, Sussex Rlty. 984-9711. Building Lots Wanted Jefferson ft Assoc.
876-3331 Weil located holding lot. Olsen Enterprises 581-4445 Immed. cash fur lots or small homes. Call John 324-1166. Cash for 33' ft 66' lots.
Grey- friars 588-0131 or 534-3231. We need city lots immediately cash builder 433-0234. Cash for building lots Van. East. Villa Rlty.
299-8811. West Side lot wanted. Dix Real Estates Ltd. 261-3133 Tsawwassen view lot. Priv.
943-4550 33' lot in Coquitlam. asking $20 900. 524-0295 or 941-2368. Wanted duplex lot. $60.000 cash.
323-8408. Private, 33x122 lot. 2323 Napier. $42,000. 688-3206.
CORDOVA HAWKS AVE. 2.000 and 2,700 sq. ft. prime of fice-distributing spare. Modern tall-gate loading, on-site parking, excellent identity.
1306 SEYMOUR 5.000 sa. ft. grnd fir office-dis play, distribution space. 2 covered loading bays tail-gate height, adequate parking, excel lent inexpensive high identity downtown location. RICHMOND r) 1fn nnn an ft- uhca A office.
Good exposure CLARK DRIVE 11.200 sq. ft. prestige off, showrni ft warehouse. For lease 681-4111 MACAULAY NICOLLS MAITLAND ft CO. LTD.
16th Floor, 200 Granville St. Vancouver, B.C. New 15,000 Sq. Ft 27' under beam, dock ft level loading, plus up to 1500' AC of fice, Central. MR.
TURNER, 683-6174 Pacific Rim Realty Ltd. "20th Century Pioneers" 1754 W. Brdwy. 736-0121 (24 hrs.l PORT KELLS. SURREY 3400 or 8.000 sq.
ft. warehouse outside storage, low monthly rent. Servicing South Van. for 45 Geoff Hobbs ft Associates ltd 687-8337 FOR LEASE 4000 sq. ft.
1630 Main St. near iiiuusLiim mB'i new uuuuiuu. Ideal retail or wholesale loca tion. Beedie Construction 435-3321 FOR LEASE OR SALE East Hastings area. From 2900 to 10.000 sq.
ft. under constr. Full details Lioerto Kity. 25.s-H5.53. 25x75 Warehouse, North Van.
for lease $525 mo. 929-6079. -Wanted: 2000 to 2500 sq. ft. Phone 271-7624, call Lee.
276 WANTED TO RENT Factory technician repre senting multi-national corpora tion, requires 2 BH furn. accom odations for 1 child family, for the mo. of reb, ft March. Please reply to: Box 2032. Vane.
V6B 3R8 Mature business woman, no children or pets, req. Irg. un turn. 1 BR apt. wdlnlug area Security parking in lower Kits, area.
738-9883. Young architect, wife ft child wants 1-2 BR, ste. Kits. Max. $250.
Will renovate vs. rent, re-ductn. Ph. Bill 731-0773 734-2206, Vna. rnle.
with net red. 2 or 3 bdrm. house for Feb. 15 or Mar. 1.
Refs. reas. rent. Mrs. Baker, 874-2506.
CouDle with 1 child ft dog wish 3 BR home with lge. liv. rm. ft FP. Prefer East End Van.
or Marpole. 274-0476. By rel mature tenant req. furn. priv.
entr. Prefer City Hall area. Lse of piano ap predated. Ph. 874-3374.
Working req. 2 b.r. houseor duplex. Prefer. Surrey area.
Jerry. 298-2663 Working cpl. wsmall dog seek 1 BR ste. up to $200. Call btwn 5-9.
438-0026. 1 or 2 BR house in Ladller Tsawwassen. Delta area. Have 1 dog. 271-7624 Wtd.
6 bdrm. house 734-1968 eves. Cple. with child need 2 BR hse. in Kicnmq.
273-6976. 230 HOUSES WANTED TO BUY PRAIRIE FAMILY Newly arrived, require 2-3 Kr4-m l-nma nia.lt Inn. tion. Call Ray Van Berkel, 321- 041 I East Indian Family Looking for real old homes In Burnaby or Vancouver. Condi tion no consideration.
Please phone Raj Cheema 874-0236 or 438-8141 (24 hrs.) ASHFORD 5665 Kingsway Will pay all cash for 2 or 3 bdrm home. No bsmt. O.K. Will buy some furniture. Any area.
Please phone Jack Moran 585-2111 (24 hrs.) or 591-1960. ASHFORD REALTY LTD. 10039-136 A Street 385-2111 "the Permanent" CHINESE FAMILY will pay all cash for 2-3 bedroom home close to schools, up to $65,000. Call Eva Roza-Pereira 879-4702 or 521-3089 or 266-4155, CANADA PERMANENT TRUST OLDER HOUSES Wanted in Burnaby ft East Van couver. All cash, no waiting.
ALSO We need listings. For quick service please call Henry Jensen 522-56)0 Soltek Rlty. Ltd. 879-9221 ALL CASH For your small old house! Free appraisals!) John Clark 261-7646 OAKHUHST REALTY CORP. 5037 Vietorai 327-9211 Mar.
1 well-kept 2 BR hse. or S. Bby. or N. West.
FP max. 10 $10,000 dn. Box 3087 this paper, HONG KONG FAMILY Needs 2 or 3 bdrm. home nr. school ft bus all cash.
Andy Yip 687-4125, 325-1301. Cash. Need 2-4 bdrm. family home: also need home with suite: also home for handyman req. G.
L. Moore Re altor 266-4810. Ready to sell trade? Guar. sales, call Wm. Slnser Rlty Ltd.
434-8731 Bby. 594-0474 Delta 980-2456 N. Van. Have buyers, need listings, immediate. Mr.
Andalls 873-2746 or 683-3304 Merit Realty Ltd. Have cash buyers for older homes east Vancouver ft Burnaby. Call Chlvers Realty 298-6484 eves. 298-8949. We have Purchasers Dupuls.
Hodgesft Raikesl964Ltd Cash for older homes or lots- Eves. 433-4997 or 988-7241. Homeflnders Realty 874-9178 N. Van. To sell your home, 985-3161: eves.
988-4268. Cop ping Agencies. 143 Lonsdale. Huniaiiiccu Hies plan. Ashford Realty 438-8141 or 585-2111.
Cash for vour home. Russ 434-1133, Uptown Inv. 434- 3177. Pt. Grey ft Dunbar Specialists S.isamat Realty.
224-3277 Reg. Davies Realty Ltd. 4388 W. 10th Ave. 224-1388 Kerrisdale Homes Wanted Scott ft McLean Rlty.
261-4282 For auick service Call Look Realty 435-5516 (24 hrs.) Dow-John Reallv 736-3604 Buyers Waiting 1826 W. Brdwy We need listings. Britannia Agencies Ltd 325-8262 Uruent. Nd smll hse for cash. 298-6491.
W. G. Swltzer Ltd. Point Grey Investments Ltd. 104-1670 W.
8th Ave. 734-1231 N. bsmt. home. Delta.
Cash. Brookswood Rlty. 588-4131. Prairie family with cash, needs home. Telford Realty.
594-2488. Canada Permanent Trust 933 W. Broadway 736-3311 Cash for homes' lots. Liberto Rlty. 253-8535.
521-9332. Private will pay up to $40,000 for 2-3 bdrm. home. 521-3858. Immediate cash for older city homes.
685-7077. Chinese Family! Air Cond. Office Space With Elevator At Burrard Broadway iu u. it. ni Bil II.
Ground floor, retail or office space. Front plate glass. lano ail. ii. ni iq.
IT. 3 partitioned offices, very suitable for legal office, partially competed. 3.000 sq. ft. at $6.50 13 private offices.
5 of them outside window offices. 3 semi pri vate offices, large general office area ft reception area. Large narkina area, modern bldg. In the centre of Vancouver ft on Vancouver's longest ft busiest through artery. 0RRS STORES 1525 W.
Broadway 731-8261 OFFICE SPACE' 602 up to Hastings 500 sq. ft. 1250 sq. ft. available immed.
1256 W. Pender up to 2600 sq. ft. available immed. 833 Granville street up to 600 sq.
ft. available immed. STORE OR OFFICE 4421 W. 10th 1000 sq. ft.
available immed. 3535 E. Hastings 730 sq. ft. available immed.
i WAREHOUSE 1 206 Homer Street up to 6400 sq. ft. available immed. 305 Water Street up to 3300 sq. ft.
avauaDie immea. Mission. B.C. up to 6000 sa. ft.
available immed. Call H. LIND 684-9172 PEMBERT0N REALTY (24 HRS.) 684-9172 Crown Trust Blda. Fully Improved office space Central downtown location. Reasonable Rental Rate.
Available immediately, areas from 265 to 2800 sq. some with vlew. Call Exclusive Leasing Agents KNOWLTON RLTY. 684-8291 Store or office, cor. 39th Victoria.
324-2582 aft. 4. Stores, offices, warehouse. E. Hastings.
253-3353; 438-6866. Stores: 1 small, 1 big 70' wd. 57 'Knight, bt prkg. 261-8666 275 WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES FOR LEASE 18.000 sq. ft.
Incl. 1500 OFFICE, MAIN FLOOR Dock, level loading, sprinklered, spur line. 1000 Parker Vancouver. For info, call: Beedle Constr. 435-3321 WAREHOUSE Small storage warehouse approx.
400 sq ft cement fir, a lull sliding door, rent $150 per mo. Includ. hydro, immed poss. At rear lane 2127 Kincjsway( Vic, St Kingsway area) Mr. Garaway 253-7744, eves 324-4959.
NEW LIGHT INDUST. Boundary Rd. 4 Lougheed Hwy. Warehouse with offices, 6.400 to 34,000 sq. ft.
High ceilings ft sprinkler system. Reas. rates. 943-1031. 531-8819.
BROADWAY PLAZA 2300 to 68.000 sq. ft. of excellent warehouse ft office space to suit. Dock ft level loading, sprinkler, high ceiling, 3 phase. Ample parking.
Good Port Coquitlam area. M5 zone. Builder 988-4158 BURNABY WINSTON 6000 sa. ft. well divided office space plus 5000 sq.
ft. Food Production Area Or warehouse retail. Dock loading, sprinkler, walk-in cool er, etc. Direct from Builder. 988-4158 NORTH VANfOUVFR Officewarehouse nr.
2nd Nar- 13000 sq. ft. of light mfu.ware- nuust- siaici otinc i ales. Ph. Mr.
Everaars. MacKenzie Management 682-7331. WAREHOUSE FOR LEASE Prime warehouse space In South Vancouver. 10.000 sq. ft.
Truck level loading, immediate access. Contact Mr. Smith at 324-2442. NORTH VANCOUVER 6.000 to 12.000 sq. ft.
of warehouse ft office space. Next to the Harbour Board. Drive-In load ing, sprinkler. Office ft manufacturing to suit. Avail, immed.
i)HB-415B. Richmond Up to 70,000 sq. avail, immed. Excellent LEASE or SALE terms avail. For details call Ken Ronalds 736-1266.
Professional Realty RirhmnnH Mitrhpll OA fff En ft- lasaa sill rf nar dock load with some equipment. Air, spray booth, bake oven St ample storage racks. 277-3474 or 321-2811. WAREHOUSE SPACE Coquitlam area, 7500 sq. ft.
H.40 sq. ft. 6BH-4b4. WINSTON PLAZA 4800 to 9600 sq. ft.
Prestige warehouse ft office. Build to suit. Dock loading, sprinkler, high ceiling, 3 phase. Direct from Builder, 988-4158 95c PER SQ. FT.
Basem*nt warehouse area, edge of downtown. Dock ft drive-in loading, elevators, sprinklered, heated, on rail. 4000-13000 s.f. 736-0307. FOR LEASE 10,000 sq.
ft. PRIME WAREHOUSE. Office space, sub divld- able. Winston St. Burnaby.
291- 6681; Warehouse for lease, approx. 5000 sq.ft. warehouse plus 1000 sq.ft. office. Avail, now.
$2.50 sq ft triple net. Nr Royal Oak A Imperial. Call Al 683-5781 or Henry 434-3810 or 438-7822. 2400 Warehouse plus outside fenced storage. N.
Bby small office ft 440 wiring. Mr. Copp 299-6288, 985-4030 eves. GENERAL REALTY LTD. LANGLEY 200th St.
ft Logan Ave. 1800 sq. it. to iu.uuu sq. it.
aJU-sii or 530-4091. Now avail. Warehouse 2200 sq. ft. with front office 16' ceiling clearance.
Ample easy access 2nd. Narrows Bridge ft upper Levels. HB7-7753. RICHMOND Capstan Way, 8100 sq. ft.
free standing, 17 ft. ht. clear span, excellent powerloading. M.L.S. MORRIS REALTY 732-7271 PORT COQUITLAM New light industry from 1000.
16UU 2UU0 sq. It. fcveS. S23-4076 days 942-0616. 2500 SQ.
FT. WarehouseOff Lake City Ind. Park, Burnaby. 255-9521. PORT COQUITLAM 1000 or 2000 sa.
ft. ind. com- mere, space. 941-3712 7800. For Lease 8000 sq.
ft. warehouse whigh ceiling ft 4000 sq. ft. air conditioned office. 2nd Ave, ft Boundary.
873-1696 1.000 sq. ft. whse. units jxnuyeporc iTna. Parkway Realty 273-7410 9000 sq.ft.
concrete bsmt wramp. Bdwy. ft Kngswy. area. 872-1691.
ADorox. 2000-8000 sa. ft. Suit storage or light mfg. Close 2nd Narrows.
985-5533. Warehouse space available. 234 W. 3rd Ave. Call F.
Demaris 873-3916. N. avail, now. 5000- 30,000 sq. ft.
w'house ft office space. On trackage. 988-4652. 2.500. sq.
ft. New warehouse or shop with drive in loading. LanOon Agencies Ltd. 251-4454. Warehouse space all sizes.
Vernon Dr. '2nd 683-4481. 738-0053. 3(1x60 blda. 15' dnnrs both ends.
2 acres land, zoned hvy. ind. Suitable for shop. 591-3301 Warehouse nr. 2nd Narrows suitable for anything.
Reas. rent. 253-3008. 980-3353 anytime Richmond Warehouse for lease on Bridgeport Rd. Bee Jay Realty Ltd.
278-5058 Leasing specialists at your ser- vice. Abbot Rity. 261-8121. Burnaby Specialist General Realty Ltd. 299-6288 6000 sa.
ft. or less w'hse. Of fice. Cambie ft 8th. 325-1753.
"the Permanent" 2 DUPLEX LOTS both with 2 bdrms homes, Both Bby, locations. Call Boris Kass 929-4830 or 2U1-2B21. 2.33x132'. CI nn First come first serve. Don't miss this.
Holdom ft E. Hast lugs. F.P. $120,000 Call Jim Israni 298-3084 or 291-2821. ATTENTION BLDRS.
Fully serviced lots ready to go! Priced from $29,500 financing avail. Call Joan Turner 942-4207, 939-6411. CASH Small older homes or lots for apt, -commercial redevelopment. Call Don Kloster 263-4465 or 266-4155. CANADA PERMANENT TRUST Chilcotin Country MAPLE RIDGE Minimum 7200 Sq.
Ft. 60 Ft. frontage. Architectural Guidelines Marketing Support Programme For subdivision plan and price list call CARMA DEVELOPERS LTD. at 585-3121 L00KG BUILDERS 2 sep.
title lots adjacent to 1736 McSoadden between 4 ft 5th Ave. off Commercial Dr. Dimension each 25' frontage by 100' depth. Offers on $28,500. Builders terms.
Call Jim at 585-2111 (24 hrs.) or eves. 522-5615. Agent will be at 1756 McSpad-den St. 2-5 p.m. Jan.
6, 7 ft 10. Ashford Rlty. Ltd. 10039 136 A Street 585-2111 Bldg. Lots Coquitlam Fully serviced ft ready to build.
Trees, view. Only 7 remaining. excellent terms oiurs. or pri vate. Details Brian McAloney 936-5279.
Coronation Rlty. Ltd. 939-6666 1ACRES33.500 Approved for building 1.15 acre lot in Surrey Municipal Hall area. 165 ft. frontage on paved road.
305' depth, side walk in front. New homes on either side, city water. Priced to sell at $33,500. Call Roy Nelson 581- 6145 eves. 594-9905.
Landmark Realty 2 large view lots, all services including underground wiring. Drive seven blocks north on 143A St. oft 108 Surrey. Call BOB MORNING STAR 682-7973 or Westland Realty Ltd. 736-7358 BUILDERS 60 lot subdivision N.
Burnaby f-ully serviced ft ready to build. R-l zoning 75'-80' Frontage 100'-175' Depth. Priced from $38,500. Builders Terms-X Bark Ron Chivers 291-7667 Villa Re- alty Ltd. 299-881 1.
SURREY Well located among new homes 52x120 treed lot. Asking 21,500 terms available. Cal Ray Van Berkel 321-8411 ASHFORD 5665 Kingsway 438-8141 4 West Van. Bldg. Lots Whytecllif area, close to beach, marina and recreation; beautifully treed, fully serviced.
Priced from $52,500. Builders terms available. K. Rlchter 921-9565 Northwest Rlty Ltd. 688-8531 2 CMHC A.H.O.P.
approved lots fully serviced. Over 7400 sq. ft. in completed Abbotslord neighbourhood. Homes in $50 to $100,000 range.
Market value $23,000. Selling price $20,500. Cash or builders terms. 530- 3171, VIEW LOT Just listed. Exclusive large gradual sloping lot.
478 Craig- mohr. Only $52,800. Terry Sadler 985-0305 or Cliff Sadler 988-3556. Crest Realty 985-1321. Ser.
bldg. lots on lane, at 1145 Sprlce Coq. 20 dwn. Bank int. on balance.
C.R. Ltd. 939-6666. Earl Scott 936-1676. 24,000 WHITE ROCK 30x117 Ideal for AHOP $3000 down, balance at 12 Wayne Lindberg 588-7757 Nu-Land 596-0311.
Cash for lots or older houses. 321-8130. Empty city lot. $35.900. 433-9774.
296 MOBILE HOMES WATSON MOBILE HOMES Local Surrey Park Out of Town Deliveries 5912 Kingsway MDL 25106 Open 9-9 Sat. 9-5 Phone 435-4461 "RENT-TO-BUY" $279 PER MONTH Burnaby, 12x60 2 BR. Hurry! 434-9175. WHITE ROCK Just one of our good buys Is a 12 52 2 bedroom home on private lot. run price io.
sou tor tne home. Rent for pad $75 a month. 588-6588. RICHMOND 6 months old 24x60 double wide. Won't last.
$100month. land rent. Try your down payment. Murryi o. RENT TO PURCHASE 68' 3 -bdrm.
home set up In fami ly park in Surrey. 1 only. Regal Homes Ltd. 6694 Kingsway, Bby. 525-3688 New Year's Special 12x48 starter or retirement home.
Lovely setting. 100 fi-nancing OAC. 931-3545- NEAR CITY 12x58, 2 BR, general. Top cond. 10 mins.
by bus to city. Quiet adult park. Sam 939-5068 In Vancouver Park 12 54, like new, immed. poss. Clear title.
The best buy on the market. 435-3911. Commonwealth Mobile Homes A Div. of Homco Industries Ltd. 16065 Fraser Hwy.
Surrey 396-0377 Dealer Lie. 25 1 1 6 METRO HOMES PO CO Dir. Lie. D142 Ph. Collect 941-4085 Homes for adults ft families in Wildwood M.H.
Park 522-6834 after 5 ft wknds. 524-0680 or 526-9946 or 526-5288. Mobile Homes set up in park. New ft used. Immed.
occupancy. 437-1184. 941-5114. 591-2520 Munday Homes D01428A FOB BFVT For 3 bdrm. mobile homes, by lease.
Must have own location. 525-2891. WHALLEY 12x60 2 bdrm. $300 down moves you in 434-9175. 34' Fireball Dark model ft travel trailer with tilt out front room on pad near city $7,500.
521-2524 880 sq. ft. mobile home, on good bus route in Burnaby. 3.eoo obo. To view ph.
294-6085, Sacrifice. '74 2 br. Mobile Home. Prestigious park. By owner.
Will finance. 534-6523. Now. Travel trailer space avail. Dog wood Camp Grounds, 15151- lltttn Ave, tiry, 5M8-1412 We buy, sell or list mobile homes.
Top prices paid. Cal. 931-3545. "BUYING OR SELLING" Family Mobile Homes 434-9175 Dealer License D00809 Esta Villa Homes Ltd. 13425 King Geor.
Surrey. 5BB-28J. Deal. Lie. DZ6Z02.
Brown's Mobile F.sMtes Ltd. 19555 Fraser Surrey. B.C. 33-1 133. D.L.
No DJ5062. Mobile Home pad spares, new park. Agassiz. Ph. 298-2451.
Eagle Mubilile. D22A. at any offer. Urgent sale rer quired, don't hesitate, rn. 3B5-1521.
(L430) mm You won't believe your eyes vtien you yiw t19 ioo with" dale, (Gtendallai. Extra delux. incl. din. rm, fireplace, sliding glass doors, opening at b5mt of home onto a patio.
Must be viewed S85-1521. (L.467) 14 FT. WIDE Mobile Homes, and dble. wldes, available for Jan. 1977 delivery In brand new, fully modern Lan gley mobile home Park.
For ap pointment to view contact BROOKSWOOD Trailer Sales Ltd. n(-v 3229 200th ST. Langley, B.C. s- i 530-9566 DL00125A Member of WMHDA 12'x64' WITH 4'xlO' TIP-OUT Located In choice Surrey park, children ft 1 small pet welcome. Furn.
with deluxe Kroehler fur niture, skirted ready to move into. Use your $1000 grant as part dn. pymt. Bal. bank fin.
O. A.C. Will accept trades. REGAL HOMES LTD. 6694 Kingsway.
Bby. 525-3688 NEW FROM ATC0. Unusual floor plan with lge. family partly open to L.H. Angle, kitchen wsnack bar.
Full wsohd oak cabinets. Beautiful Ivory travertine panelling throughout, 2 full baths, master B.R. en ste. wdressing rm. -f garden tub.
One other double B.R. Kingswav Trailer Wholesale 5438 Imperial 434-0741 Let the Experts your mobile home for you. Coll 525-01 77. '2 01643A BIG MAC MOBILE HOWS'" Dble. Wide 3 Bdrm.
i This home is set up in new park in Newton area. Fully skirted. move in today, only 15 less your home owner grant, or will take trade. REGAL HOMES LTD. 6694 Kingsway.
Bby. 525-3688 Belive it or Not! You can purchase a 12 wide. 2" bdrm. mobile home, all set up St skirted in Vancouver. Yes.
we take children. Yes, we take And you'll be close to Oakridge Shopping Centre. 100 financing O.A.C. For info, call 325- 9470 or 936-4006. PL 00083.
TLAM We have single Sl dble on pad. la Connitlam. Priced from S7.00C. pad rent from $77 per mo. They will take your children St love pets.
Bank financing to 100. O.A.C. Call St have a look at our catalogue. 588-6588. Mo- bile Homes (24 hrs.
i CRISPEN BAYS 594-8112 or BREAKAWAY BAYS 536-8255 anytime. CRESTWAY BAYS 6 594-1335 Single St double mobile homes. Close to shop St trans, in exclu-. sive park. If you are thinking of seHimr or trading your Mobile Honw deal with a firm which is bonded and recommended.
For all youi Real Estate and Mobile Home needs phone KING'S at 585-1521 DBLE WIDE New 2 or 3 BR. Incl. rug, drapes? oil gun furnace, local set-up Jfc del. 12 wides from $10,000, Alca Homes. Hope B.C.
2 mi, west TCH. 869-5166 collect. DU 01572A Who Wants To Sell Sell or list your home with i young progressive co. for the fastest action and best prut essional help money ran biiv? Phone 588-6588 or 853-91417 01 135A. RENT TO BUY $414 per mo.
In Coq. 24x40 Deluxe DW In Family Like New Paymeiil inclds. pad rent. 434-9175 IN SURREY 12x68 3 bedroom home lit lovely new park on King Georgtf Hwy. Pad rent only $100 pef month.
This a good buy. Cliil dren welcome. 588-6588. Private Property 1975 12x68 home on 2t acres. For property (75 a mo( Full sale price.
Vour best offer. Bank financing with your low dn. pay. ment. O.A.C.
(L269) 588-6588. t. WE NEED HOMES Business was so good in '76 WIS" are short of stock. If vou want to- sell for cash or list, call 434V 9175 for fast, effeciant service. $3,900 1963 Safeway, good app.
750 sq. furnished P. Haladin. 530-2680. Cr.
Vaiu. 327-6391. i 10x50 mobile home, Ideal for construction co. 325-9470, 936-" 4006. 72 Kentwd.
$17,400 4J4-916l Griffiths Tonnellier Realty 299 SUITES, TOWNHOUSESr. CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE- Howie Blue Mountain Coquitlam 3 Bedroom Townhouse Show Home Completely Decorated. Furnished $51,900 3 Bedroom Townhouse $45,900 $260 per month 2 For information, call Elaine Lucas Office: 931-3588 5 294-1079 Open 2-5; 7-9: wknds. 1 ST. CLAIRE COURT i KITSILANO 1867 W.
3rd Concrete is Forever 4 FLRS. CONCRETE STEEL See Hear The Difference Perfect SoundDroofina Completely Fireproof Low Maintenance 1 B.R. Ste $44,250 1 B.R. A den $50,500 I 2 B.R $39,500 10 Down llMtges." at Construction 731-9425 Builder-Developers i.