Tofu Alternatives For Your Favorite Vegan Dishes (2024)

If you’ve spent time in a vegan kitchen, you know that a wide range of foods are open for enjoyment. However, it is true that a lot of vegans tend to load up on tofu. For those of us who have had enough of it lately, are allergic to soy, or are just looking to eat more varied sources of protein, here are some great tofu alternatives you can use in your favorite vegan dishes.

Breakfast Scrambles

Tofu scramble is a great staple dish to know how to make. It’s really simple: just sauté some veggies with tofu and add turmeric to make it yellow, plus the added anti-inflammatory miracle that turmeric offers. You can create an incredible soy-free scramble using chickpea flour, which is also packed full of protein! If you have agar agar on hand (a type of seaweed), you can mix it with plant milk to make an egg-like scramble too. Find this recipe at Nouveau Rawhere!

Beyond Meat Beefy Crumbles, Swedish Meatballs, and Beyond Burger

Beyond Meat is one of the few companies which makes soy-free meat alternatives. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also darn tasty and convincing enough to fool the carnivores in your life. You can easily use these in recipes which call for tofu, meat, or any dense protein element.


Stir-fry is a versatile meal and can be adjusted based on whatever veggies you have in the house. Instead of using tofu for the stir-fry, just add another high-protein element such as seitan, lentils, beans, or a soy-free meat analogue. Clickherefor this stir fry zucchini noodles recipe by Veggie Inspired!

Tofu Alternatives For Your Favorite Vegan Dishes (1)

Grilling Recipes

Having a BBQ? You don’t have to throw tofu on the grill or your kebabs. You can, of course, grill up all sorts of vegetables instead – portobello mushrooms are particularly meaty. Don’t forget to experiment with grilling fruits too. Instead of a soy-based veggie burger, you could eat the 100% soy-free Beyond Burger. Also, you can always make your own plant burgers out of beans, lentils, or chickpeas.

Creamy Desserts

Silken tofu is commonly used to make vegan pudding, mousse, and other creamy desserts. Instead, you can use creamed banana (like inthis banana pudding recipefrom Fab Haute Mama), coconut cream (inthis peanut butter mousse recipefrom Minimalist Baker), chickpeas (yes, seriously!– in thisrecipe for Mousse au chocolatfrom Mouthwatering Vegan), or avocado (like thisrecipe for avocado chocolate puddingfrom The Pretty Bee).

Tofu Alternatives For Your Favorite Vegan Dishes (2)

Dairy-Free Ricotta

You can veganize classic cheesy dishes by making plant-based ricotta. This ricotta can also be made easily without tofu using almonds. Just soak 2 cups of blanched almonds for 8-12 hours. Then drain and blend them with 1 cup of water and a pinch of salt. Check out the recipehereby Yup It’s Vegan!

Tofu Alternatives For Your Favorite Vegan Dishes (3)

BBQ Dishes

Here is one which is sure to excite your palate. Try BBQ jackfruit, showcased in thispulled BBQ jackfruit recipe. Jackfruit has quite a meat-like texture and is fantastic when shredded to make a sloppy joe inspired sandwich, or just slapped right on the grill.

Tofu Alternatives For Your Favorite Vegan Dishes (4)

What are your favorite alternatives to soy? Share them with us!

Tofu Alternatives For Your Favorite Vegan Dishes (2024)


Tofu Alternatives For Your Favorite Vegan Dishes? ›

Yes, there are. In fact, tempeh is a great alternative to tofu, and it is considered more nutritious because it is higher in fiber and protein compared with tofu. Also, seitan, beans, and nuts are highly nutritious substitutes for tofu.

What is a vegan food similar to tofu? ›

Tempeh. Similar to tofu, tempeh is also soy-based (and protein-rich—it's one of the foods with more protein than an egg). It's dense with a nutty flavor and can easily holds its shape. Tempeh tastes great steamed, grilled, pan-fried, baked and more (here's a guide on how to cook it).

How to be vegan if you don t like tofu? ›

And if you are thinking this means you need to eat lots of tofu, and you don't like tofu, there is good news: there are plenty of meat alternatives out there besides tofu, including tempeh, seitan, as well as other meat substitutes.

What is a good substitute for tofu in curry? ›

Cauliflower curry is a thick and creamy chickpea-based curry with tender cauliflower florets. It's an excellent alternative to curry with tofu. Check out our cauliflower curry recipe.

What is a soy-free alternative to tofu? ›

Soy-free tofu is not a modern product born out of the recent soy fear mongering—it's a longtime staple of Burmese cuisine. Sometimes referred to as Burmese tofu or Shan tofu (named after the region from which it originated), soy-free tofu is simply made from chickpeas and water.

What can tofu be compared to? ›

Tempeh and tofu are nutritious soy-based foods that are rich in isoflavones. However, tempeh is rich in prebiotics and contains significantly more protein and fiber, while tofu boasts more calcium. Additionally, tempeh's earthy taste contrasts with tofu's more neutral one.

What is tempeh made of? ›

Tempeh is a traditional fermented food made from soaked and cooked soybeans inoculated with a mold, usually of the genus Rhizopus. After fermentation has occurred, the soybeans are bound together into a compact cake by dense cottony mycelium.

How to be vegan while poor? ›

Staple vegan foods such as oats, lentils, pasta, rice and chickpeas are among the cheapest foods and are in *a lot* of vegan recipes, so should definitely make an appearance on your list. Oh, and avoid shopping whilst hungry.

How to go vegan without dying? ›

Our Guidelines For Eating A Plant-Based Diet
  1. Eat plenty of nutrient-dense vegetables at every meal.
  2. Eat a wide variety of organic, unprocessed foods.
  3. Eat protein with every meal.
  4. If you choose to eat grains, pick minimally processed grains like quinoa, amaranth, and oats.
Mar 2, 2014

What fake meat doesn't have soy? ›

Soy-Free. Seitan is a delectable meatless option made of wheat gluten. Available from many companies, it's popular because it soaks up flavors extremely well and the texture is chewy and satisfying. You can also make your own!

Can vegans eat tofu everyday? ›

"For the vast majority of people, it should be reasonable to incorporate tofu in their daily diet without any issues," Sun said. He and his family eat "probably three servings per week," Sun said. He likes using soft tofu in soups and firm tofu – frozen and cut up – in a traditional Chinese hot pot.

What is seitan made of? ›

Seitan is a plant-based meat substitute made from wheat gluten that mimics the flavor and texture of chicken. You can buy it in many health food supermarkets, or you can make it yourself.

What is a good tofu substitute? ›

If the recipe calls for silken tofu (soft tofu), you can try using yogurt. If a firm or extra firm tofu is being used in a recipe, you could try mashed beans or chickpeas, lean meat, lean fish, and seafood (as a protein source) would work well. It is very important to get animal and plant-based protein with food.

Is seitan better than tofu? ›

Both seitan and tofu are plant-based proteins. However, while seitan is an excellent plant-based protein alternative, tofu is a complete protein (seitan lacks the amino acid lysine). Unseasoned tofu is typically lower in sodium than store-bought seitan, which can be processed with salt, sugar or other flavors added.

What is a dairy substitute for tofu? ›

Soy Milk, Soy Cheese, etc.

There are so many soy-free alternatives now -- almond milk, rice milk, and hemp milk, just to name a few. There are also almond and rice based cheeses, and daiya, which is tapioca based. You can also see this post on being a soy-free vegan with recipes and meal ideas.

What is like tofu but not soy? ›

The most common recipe for soy-free tofu is chickpea flour-based Shan tofu. Chickpea flour is simply finely ground dried chickpeas, and, thanks to its use in gluten-free baking, it is now fairly easy to find in grocery stores.

Is there plant-based tofu? ›

In a process similar to that of making cheese, tofu is made by curdling soy milk, which comes from soybeans. The milk is coagulated with the use of taric acid or other food acids, and then pressed into bricks. As this process contains no animal byproducts, neither does tofu, meaning tofu itself completely vegan.

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