The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

A 1 SURROUNDING TOWNS. SHELBY. Clerk, SHELBY, AprI11- -The of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Caleb of Shelby, marriage of Miss Ruth Caleb, daughter and Mr.

Claud Bailey of was solemnized Thursday evening at the Baptist parsonage by the Rev. Abner Morrill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans have been spending a couple of Evans' days in brother, Butfalo, Marvin Sleight, of Bailey avenue.

the guests Mrs. Miss Hester Morrill of New York is spending her Easter vacation the Abner guest of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Morrill of this place. W.

Mallison, finance keeper Medina, of the local tent of Maccabees of on L. $6000 for policies held on the life Thursday last paid Mrs. Harvey of Dr. H. L.

James. HORNELLSVILLE. HORNELLSVILLE, April Ackley, one of the men caught in the Osborne House robbery, made a desperate break for liberty while being taken to Sutton'e photograph gallery to have their pictures taken for future reference. In some he unfastened the handcuffs and breaking away from the officers started up B. Main street.

store, James rushed Mays, a out clerk and in F. Alley's caught him by the legs in football fashton. This brought him down No and small the officers secured him again. the act for large crowd on amount of excitement, was caused by Main street to see the fellows on the way to the gallery. shoe Hornelisvillle wants another factory.

There is still some good help left in the city that don't care to refield move to here other for some enterprising shoe towns. There is a good man. The residents of Bath yesterday granted a franchise for an electric road from Bath to Hornellsville. CASTILE. CASTILE, April George H.

Stratton has been engaged to teach in the Elba school for the ensuIng year, at an advance salary of $100. At the annual convention of the Castile Fire Department, for the purpose of electing a chief and two assistants, Dr. W. B. Bartlett of the A.

N. WalJace Hose was re-elected chief for two years. A. W. Davis of the Hook Ladder.

Company and Fayette Stannard of the Hose Company were chosen assistants. The wardens chosen from the Hook Ladder Company, were Charles O. Locke and John Lindsay, 2d; from the Hose Company, Henry G. Fox and J. C.

Kellogg. A meeting of the entire Fire Department was held last evening to ratify the action of the convention. GENESEO. GENESEO, April P. H.

Heitzman of Akron, is in town. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church have elected the following officers for the next six months: President, Arch Allen; vicepresident, Christabel Campbell; recording secretary, Janie Weeks; corresponding secretary and treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Clark.

The Normal school closed yesterday for the Easter vacation. It will reopen Monday, April 21st. Sydney Perkins of Springwater, arrested on a charge of violating the game law in shooting a pheasant, was tried before Justice Rowley. The Jury after being out nearly all the afternoon were unable to reach a verdict and the justice discharged them. Mrs.

Joseph Dwyer has gone to New York for a short visit. Hon. L. R. Doty is expected home from New York tomorrow.

He has been absent for some time on business to New York, Atlantic City and other Eastern points. Benjamin Sutton of Conesus, appeared before Justice Rowley this week and pleaded guilty to a charge of violating the game law by illegal fishing in Conesus Lake. He was fined $30 which the paid. KENMORE. KENMORE, April 11, Dietrich of Lockport lectured on Temperance in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening and gave an address at the public school in the afternoon.

Mrs. Oscar Gast of Buffalo has moved into the home on the corner of Delaware and Hazeltine avenues. C. W. Winchester preaches on Missione in the M.

E. Church Sunday morning. Rev. P. A.

MacDonald delivers "An Easter Message" at 7:30 P. M. Special floral decoration are being arranged. MEDINA. believe MEDINA, April that the oll discovered near Lyndonville comes from some broken pipe line miles away, from sewage from some nearby leakage, or has been placed where it was found for a hoax, but there are enough sanguine ones to form a company and begin prospecting on a large scale.

About 800 acres have been pledged for oll leases and the company is preparing to sink Downs Hose bail at the Downs-Kearney, block on Monday evening. A masquerade will be held at the 'Alert Club on Thursday evening under the management of the ladies. The ladies of St. John's Church will hold an Easter tea on Wednesday evening at the residence of Mrs. D.

A. Acer for the benefit of the church funds. The Buffalo Pitts Company has sold the town of Ridgeway a fine twelve ton steam roller to use on the highways of the town. W. R.

Curry has purchased a strip of land on Main street of Alice Ide, which has for many years been used as an alley, and will build a two-story brick business block upon It. The plot faces Park avenue. Lewis 0. Vedder, aged 77 years, 18 dead. He leaves a wife and two daughters.

The funeral will take place from the house tomorrow afternoon. SILVER SPRINGS. SILVER SPRINGS, April Mrs. William B. Powell delightfully ententained a company of 30 ladies Wednesday from 3 until 6 P.

at her home on South Main street. The chief amusem*nt of the afternoon was the "Private Art Loan Exhibition," the collection being varied and interesting. telegram contest was also held. Prizes were won by Mesdames J. M.

Duncan, H. C. Pharia, D. H. Dewey and George Stoddard.

Carolyn Duncan, who was operated on for appendicitis, la convalescent. Mrs. Olive Gay of Batavia is spendIng the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

B. Halsted. Mrs. C. D.

Eastman is critically 111. The tents of K. 0. T. M.

have changed their meetings to Thursday evening. Mrs. Louise Whittam of Oatka visited friends in town Wednesday. BATAVIA. BATAVIA, April 11- -At meeting of the Supervisors Jell Construction Committee yesterday the mason contract of William Schumacher of Buffalo was declared forfeited.

Philip Roosa of Alban, who is secretary of the State Prisons Commission, visited the new jail here yesterday and after a thorough inspection expressed the opinion that it was the best county Jail In the State. Yesterday was Charles B. Pixley's 48th birthday and consequently his appointment by the Governor as County BUFFALO ed. The officers Installed were: Exalted Ruler, Charles Molyneux; Esteemed Leading Knight, A. V.

Muller; Esteemed Loyal Knight, Charles F. Foley; Esteemed Lecturing Knight, William J. Watts; secretary, Daniel J. Kline; treasurer, Thomas Eckensperger. In the case of Henry Peters of North Tonawanda ve.

the New York Central, the jury last evening rendered a verdiet for $300. Peters was hit by a train while driving across the track at Tonawanda and severely injured. He sought $10,000 damages. BATH. BATH, April 1 and.

Tuerk, promoters of the posed Hornellsville Branchport electric railroad have been granted the franchise by trustees of this village to construct the road through the village limits. Gen. N. M. Curtiss, assistant inspector-general of Soldiers' Home, Inspected the institution yesterday.

He stated that the Home would this year receive from the National Government about $200,000, as the membership of the Home is over Clinton the Gray 2000 markis town, has perfected a mail box, and has received nofrom the Postal Department that the box receives the endorsem*nt of the postal authorities. Mr. Gray expects to sell the box outright to the Government. Miss Mary Brundage has been adjudged insane, and was yesterday taken to Willard asylum, Mrs. William Greek died at in this village, yesterday afternoon from cancer.

She born here about 60 years ago. vi Several grown children are her survivors. Funeral Monday afternoon, Rev. B. M.

Clark officiating. DUNKIRK. DUNKIRK, April and Mrs. C. J.

Carney returned home from a trip to Europe yesterday. An effort is being made to get "Senator Hanna to speak at the County Fair this year. Mrs. Minnie Droege fell on a loose board yesterday and broke her left arm near the elbow. opened a branch office The Fairport Fish has Mrs.

Anna Sears has brought action for $2000 against the city for injuries alleged to have been received on a defective sidewalk. Harry M. Gardner, formerly of the Denver Post, has returned to his old position as reporter on the Evening Observer. Mrs. Alsina Harvey, 77 years old, a former resident of this city, died day at her home in Sinclairville.

WARSAW. WARSAW, April Board of Education has made the appointments for the coming year. All of the teachers are to come back with two exceptions. Charles Smallwood will succeed Harold Holly in the academic department, and Miss. Sara B.

Day of Silver Springs succeeds Miss Perry in the third grade. Mr. Holly is to teach next year in Greater New York. At the annual meeting of the Warsaw Dudley, James E. Bishop Cemetery Association Maj.

Harwooded c. Buxton were elected directors for three years, Mrs. Lois Childs, has exchanged her house and lot Washington street for one on Prospect street recently owned by Frank Brown. Fred H. Knapp of Reading, is the guest of his mother, Mrs.

H. C. Knapp. Mrs. Willis Knickerbocker went to Freedom yesterday to spend Easter with her parents.

Mrs. C. E. Baker will spend Easter Sunday, in Saunders Buffalo. has gone back to Montana after spending two months with friends in the East.


suffrage meeting held at the home' of H. A. Paxson Thursday night was largely attended. The debate on suffrage was led Dim Mrs. F.

W. Kendall, having the affirmative, and Miss Clara Van Duzee, the negative. The affirmative won by one point. Miss Rose Cook is spending her vacation at Pittsburg. the guest of her brother, F.

Cook. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church held an Easter sale yesterday afternoon and evening. Highway Commissioner Royal Gould has rejected the application for a franchise to the Buffalo, Dunkirk Western Railway Company to operate cars on the Hamburg Turnpike. John Newell and Ernest Miller are 111 with the grip. Mrs.

E. H. Hunt is still seriously ill at the home of her daughter at Armour, A business men's baseball club will be organized. SILVER CREEK. SILVER CREEK, April Vernon Stewart and Mr.

Norman Taylor of Syracuse University are spending their Easter vacation with their parents here. Miss Helen Maine of St. Margaret's School, Buffalo, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Hanford. Mrs.

Howard Deane who has been visIting her mother, Mrs. Babco*ck, has returned to her home in Mrs. Will Chapman has returned from visiting friends in Buffalo. Mrs. Ernest Montgomery of Buffalo Cross as Any Bear and altogether out of sorts--that's the way, just as long as cold or cough lasts.

Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar has a pleasant way of curing all colds or coughs before they do serious harm FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS CURE IN ONE MINUTE. WORMS "I write to let you know how I appreciate your Cascareta. I commenced taking them last ber and took two ten cent boxes and passed a tapeworm 14 ft. long.

Then I commenced taking them again and Wednesday, April 4th, I passed another tape worm 28 ft. long and over thousand small worms. Previous to my taking Cascarets I didn't know had a tape-worm. always had a small appetite." F. Brown, 184 Franklin Brooklyn, N.

Y. Best for The Bowels arcare CANDY CATHARTIC THEY WORK WHILE TOLD SLEEP Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe, 10e, 25c, 500 Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped 0 00 0 coO. Guaranteed to enre or your money back. Sterling Remedy Chicago or N.Y.

594 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION I BOXES EVENING NEWS: WEAK Cause More Sickness Serious Complications Than Anyone Knows. Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Disease and Do Not Know Until It Has Developed Into Bladder Trouble, Rheumatism, Diabetes or Bright's Disease, Which Will Prove Fatal If Not Attended To At Once. PAINS IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK, painful passing of urine. Inflammation of the bladder, torpid liver, cloudy urine, pains in the back of the head and neck. rheumatic pains and swellings all over the body, eczema and jaundice tell you your kidneys are diseased and are not able 10 do their work properly.

If you have any these symptoms, great care should be taken to the progress of the disease -and prevent it becoming chronic and pregnating the entire system. Thousands of unsolicited letters are received dally from grateful nd women who have been cured by Warner's Safe Cure. Doctors Cave Him Up. Dear Sirs: I feel it my duty to thank you. Eighteen years ago, was suffering from kidney complaint, and for two years was very low.

The doctors had given me up. unless I went through an operation. At that time I heard of Warner's Safe Cure, and immediately stopped all doctors and commenced using your remedy. For the last fifteen years and a half have enjoyed perfect health. I advertise it to all sick people I come in contact with, and with a great many it has effected a cure.

Very respectfully. JOHN C. PELZER, Denham, Dec. 14, 1902. is at Lighthouse Point, her summer home.

Mr. Harry Surft of St. Paul's School, Garden City, L. 19 spending Easter vacation here. Mr.

Howes Quale of Cornell is visiting his parents here. Mrs. Harrison Newton and Miss Nella Newton are visiting friends in Buffalo. Hiram Sackett, one of the best known farmers in Western New York, died at his home in Weet Irving recently. He was born in the town of Hanover in 1835 and was the son of Judge Sackett who for many years was prominent resident in the town of Hanover.

THREATEN TO GET OUT OF THE CLUB. Army Officers Are Incensed at the Snub to MajorGeneral Corbin. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, April internecine troubles threaten the Metropolitan Club, the organization of the set which frowned upon applications for membership of Maj. Gen. Corbin.

J. W. Babco*ck, chairman Republican Congressional Committee and Chairman House Committee on District of Columbia: MIlton W. Alles, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and Robert P. Armstrong, A8- sistant Secretary of the Treasury.

The army officers who sought to have Gen. Corbin elected are now in an insurgent mood and it is said they will all resign, WALKING ACROSS THE CONTINENT. Anton Hanslian, an Austrian, Continues His GlobeCircling Tour. On the road from Jersey City to Buffalo is Anton Hanslian, an Austrian pedestrian, who, with his wife and 6-year-old daughter in a perambulator, intends to cross this continent in the coming summer. Hanslian arrived in New York City yesterday on the steamer Teutonic.

He says he intends to walk from Jersey City to Buffalo at once it the roads are passable. From Buffalo he will continue westward to Chicago and from there to the Pacific Coast. Hanslian is a wiry little fellow, aged 35. His wife is the same age. was a bareback rider but deserted the circus ring to earn his living by walking.

On a wager he visited the principal cities of Europe in the manner he is to cross the United States, and won $2,000. He earned his living as he went in Europe and will do the same here, selling post cards, souvenirs and giving bareback riding exhibitions if he gets a chance. GOOD FRIDAY PANIC CAUSED BY FIRE. Children in Processional Started a Blaze, and There Was Much Excitement. (By Associated Press.) NOW YORK, April two Catholle churches of Staten Island fire started by candles used in the solemn ritual of Good Friday interrupted the services yesterday, and one instance the resulting panic was checked with difficulty.

At St. Mary's Church of the Assumption at Port Richmond, during processional, one of the children, more intent upon the Impressive spectacle upon her duty as a candle bearer, carelessly dropped the flame until It touched the flimsy veil worn by a girl In front of her. Instantly the garment blazed upward like a torch. The girl clutched at it to tear It from her head and the children behind her screamed. The procession broke into disorder and somebody in the congregation cried "Fire!" The church was crowded and conditions seemed ripe for disaster.

But the priests instantly cried out to their flock, assuring them there was no danger. While Fathers Brown and Campbell were striving to allay the panic, the sexton of the church had seized the burning vell and had beaten out the flame with his. hands before the child had been even singed. $3,00 Stiff and Soft Hats Finest values, for Easter, At. Wip-pert's." 9t11 SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1903, Could Not Sleep, Safe Cure" Cured Him.

Dear Sirs: I received yours of the 3d inst. I got your trial bottle of Warner's Safe Cure and used it. Since 1 have taken two large and two small bottles, which I can gladly say have cured me of kidney trouble, for which I had to be up from two to three times at night; now I can rest without getting up. I had severe pains in kidneys and back, and 1 have no more pain, and am sure that it was through your Warner's Safe Cure that now enjoy good health. You are at liberty to use the above statement.

I return hearty thanks to you. Signed, J. F. SAUNDERS, Long Beach, Dec. 11, 1902.

After your morning urine stands 24 hours, if you find a reddish, brick dust sediment in It, or particles floating in the urine, or if it is cloudy, you will know your kidneys are in a diseased condition and are unable to perform their work. the result will be the bladder and urinary organs will become inflamed. uric acid will poison the blood, the stomach will become affected and unable to digest the food, the system will become weak and the result will be a break down of the general health, with Bright's disease or diabetes, which will prove fatal if not treated with promptness and great care. ANALYSIS FREE. If, after you have made this test you have any doubt in your mind as to the desend a sample of your urine to the Medvelopment of the disease in your system.

Ical Department, Warner's Safe Cure Rochester, N. and our doctors will analyze it and send you a report with with val- advice free of together a uable book describing all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood and treatment for each disease. All letters from women read and answered by a woman doctor. All correspondence in strictest confidence. KIDNEYS WHAT EMULSION DO YOU USE? Hull, came as a birthday gift.

He was busy all day receiving the congratulations of his many friends. His commission has not as yet arrived but a personal letter from the Governor came saying that it would be sent him at once. Thomas Ferris, a driver, was about to start his horse after making a delivery when the animal, kicked over the dashboard and struck Ferris in the right leg. The leg was so badly fractured that both bones of the lower portion protruded. S.

Cory Kendall was notified yesterday of the death of his brother, Melvin M. Kendall, at Newton, Kan. He was a native of Batavia, born in 1838. All of the Batavia churches will observe Easter on Sunday with very elaborate special music and special features of an interesting nature. NIAGARA FALLS.

NIAGARA FALLS, April -The Rev. Abner F. Bowling, pastor of the First Baptist Church, is in West Somerset today attending the annual roll call of the Baptist Churches of this district. He will make an address suitable to the occasion. Several local people are interested in the oil boom at Lyndonville and with others have formed the Lyndonville Oil Company.

The company has leased 1000 acres of land but thus far has paid for it. nothing, that the State Legislature is to adjourn on the 23rd instant puts an end to the hopes of the people who vor the passage of the proposed new city charter. To adjourn on the 23rd would not give the required time for the is charter to remain in this city, which 15 days, If the council holds it the full limit of time, and consequently it could not be returned to the Governor in time for his signature. It is now suggested that the name of Niagara street be changed to McKinley avenue. The Common Council will soon be asked to take some action in the matter.

A letter sent to Washington yesterday offering a part of the famous old Trott estate on street as a site for the new government building. The property is admirably located and no doubt will be selected for a site for the building provided the price quoted 1s satisfactory. Bids stating figures for sites will be opened at Washington on the 17th Inst. Between four and five hundred cords of wood, belonging to the International Paper Company, escaped from the boom in the river near the big mill in this city yesterday and went over, the falls. A shift of the wind and a heavy sea caused the boom to break and the pulp logs ran out for an hour or more before the boom could be fixed.

The eddies below the Horseshoe falls are Alled with pulp logs and the Whirlpool also contains many. HOLLEY. HOLLEY, April village board, at a special meeting last Wednesday evening, granted a franchise to the Albion Electric Railway Company to build a surface railway through the northern part of the village, crossing Main, Union and Canal streets at the points designated in the application. The company is to pave the streets with stone or brick at the crossings. The following standing committees have been appointed by the president of the Board of Trustees: On streets, Messrs.

Lee and Frisbie; sidewalks, Frisbie and Storer; lights, Brown and Lee; sewers, Storer and Frisble; buildIngs, and Brown; audits, Storer and Brown. Members of the Board of Health--A. O. Smith, two years, to All vacancy; George E. Ross, three years; full term, D.

M. Morton holds over. Mrs. William C. Russell has gone for a visit to her daughters, Mrs.

H. J. Gibson of Stillwater and Miss Etta J. Russell of New York, PAVILION. PAVILION, April pretty wedding took place Thursday at past four at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Hudson Wood, when their only daughter Della, married to Bert Plucker in the presence of about 20 guests by Rev. Taylor. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs.

Plucker will be at their home on South Lake street, A carefully prepared programme for Easter will be given at the M. E. Church on Sunday morning by the Sunday-school. WESTFIELD. WESTFIELD, April Charles Woodward of Brooklyn is the guest of Mrs.

C. Comstock, Elm street. Mr. Charles Hamilton of Ripley has returned from his trip to Cuba, The funeral of Mrs. Simpson will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the home of her brother, Mr.

Wheelock, Jefferson street. Mrs. S. F. Nixon left yesterday for Albany and New York.

She expects to be absent two weeks. Mr. William Barden, who has been spending some time with his daughter, Mrs. Horace Jones, has returned to his Ripley home. Mr.

Ira Gay of Ripley has a large quantity of gas from his new well. LITTLE VALLEY. LITTLE VALLEY, April Bates of Cattaraugus delivered a lecture on "Open Doors" at the M. E. Church last evening.

Services were held in the German Lutheran Church on Good Friday. Many Germans from all the country round were in attendance. Mrs. Thomas Linton, who had appendicitis and underwent an operation by Dr. Park of Buffalo, Thursday, is still alive, though her recovery is doubtful.

She is past 50. LOCKPORT. LOCKPORT, April Franklin J. Drake of the Monterey, Asiatic Squadron, arrived at his old home, Gasport, yesterday, to viedt his sister, Mrs. C.

V. Messler. Capt. Drake has seen 30 years' service in the U. S.

Navy in every part of the globe. He is an ordnance expert. He expects to be assigned to duty in one of the navy yards. He is accompanied by his wife. The Lockport Economic League will hold the last banquet of the season at the Hotel Kenmore next Thursday evening.

Lawson Purdy of New York will lecture on "How to Get a Permanent Tax System." Lockport Lodge, No. 41, B. P. 0. Initiated 15 members Thursday night.

Thirty-eight new members were elect- Ifyou need a medicine to CELEBRATED tone up the system, purify' the blood, or strengthen the stomach we urge you to try the Bitters. It never falls. It also cures Nausea, Indigestion, STOMACH Dyspepsia, Bilious ness, La Grippe and Malaria. Try it. Ozo (romulsion, OZOMULSION "SAFE CURE" CURES WEAK KIDNEYS.

It purifies and strengthens the kidneys. and enables them to do their work: It will cure rheumatism, rheumatic gout, diaBright's of disease. bladder uric and acid urinary poison. betes, and restore the patient's health inflammation the organs, and vigor. 19 vegetable and Safe narcotic purely, harmful drugs.

It is Cure contains from sediment and 1s pleasant to no free take, buy "Safe Cure" at any drug You can direct. 50c and $1 a bottle. store or Beware of so-called kidney cares which full of sediment and of bad odor--they Are are positively harmful and do not cure. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. THREE ROUTES CONSUMPTION.

There are three roads which lead from health to consumption. Over one of these roads pass all that great multitude of people-a sad, a mournful procession-who die every year of consumption. Each route begins with health and happiness and ends with disease and death. FIRST ROAD: 'A slight cold, neglected, settles in the head or throatchronic catarrh--extends to the lungs- consumption- death. SECOND ROAD: A slight cold--neglected cough -chronic bronchitis -settles in the lungs cough gradually grows worse consumption death.

THIRD ROAD: A cold neglected-settles in the throat -hoarseness- -short breath -chronic asthmadeath. Thousands have just started on one of these roads--thousands are half way the fatal end of one of these roads. who are still curable by' the wonderful and beneficial power of the Koch Inhalations. By means of the tuberculine, discovered by Prof. Robert Koch, of Berlin, the deadly bacilli that destroy the lung tissues and lung cells are speedily killedthe suppurating parts a are healed up and the stringy, poisonous mucus is cleared from the nose, throat, and lungs, while renewed strength, health, and a nent cure follow this treatment.

The Koch lymph is all vaporized alr and readily breathed through the passages of the nose and throat, directly down into the deepest recesses of the lungscleansing, purifying, healing, and curing the inflamed tissues. Upward of 3000 people are dally taking this treatment at the Koch Institutes in Buffalo, New York, Newark, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Rochester and Altoona. The only Buffalo office of the original Koch Lung Cure is at 277 Franklin street. where skilled resident physicians in lung diseases will examine you and give one treatment free. Home treatment, cspeclally prepared those who cannot call.

Write for descriptive pamphlet. MR. STUFFER'S SERMONS. "Death Swallowed Up in Victory" will be Rev. Byron H.

Stauffer's morning subject at Grace M. E. Church. There will be special Easter music. The service opens at 10:30.

In the evening the choir will render an Easter programme, and the subject of the sermon will be: "He is Risen; Go Quiokly and Tell." The Fastest Train to New York. Is the New York Central's "Empire State Express," which leaves Buffalo 1:00 P. arrives New York 10:00 P. M. dally except Sunday.

No extra fare. New York Central Mileage Books Are sold at $10.00 for 500 miles; $20.00 for 1000 miles. The conditions ing their use are most liberal. On sale at all New York Central ticket offices. THERE IS NO SOAP THAT IS SO BENEFICIAL TO THE SKIN, SO CLEANSING AND PURIFYING AS Medical Lake Toilet Soap 25c a Cake- at Drug Stores.

Indian Head Brand the Only Genuine. MEDICAL LAKE SALTS MFG. N. Y. FOR SALE AT FAXON, WILLIAMS FAXON, 399- 401 Main; STODDANT 86- 88 Seneca: Coulson, 142 Seneca: Riggs, cor.

Main' and Seneca: Van 467 Michigan; Hanson, 333 Franklin; Hosmer, 234 Allen: Dedo, 7 Walden avenue; Hayes, 942 Main; Kingston, Main, corner Ferry. For Sale by Clay W. Parsons, No. 9 Main St. Lockport, N.

Y. The New Life- Food PREVENTS DISEASE -PRESERVES HEALTH PROLONGS LIFE There are many makes of emulsion for sale. Whose do you use? There is only one emulsion which possesses the True Vitalizing Food Properties needful to build up the Weakened, Devitalized System, and that is OZOMULSION. Have You Tried It? Ozomulsion is the only vitalized emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, combined with the blood germicide col, the emulcent food Glycerine, and the Bone and Salts of Life, the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. Ozomulsion is the Food That Does So Much Good.

It is an aid to any medicine you may be taking, Your physician knows the formula and will recommend it, Take no emulsion but Ozomulsion and it will make you well. The great and marvelous building, strengthening properties of Ozomulsion are quickly shown in its immediate Good Results for Coughs, Colds, Grip, Bron chitis, Pneumonia and Throat and Lung Troubles, Night Sweats, Consumption of the Nose, Lungs, Larynx, Intestines, Spleen, Kidneys and Liver, Anemia, Rheum atism, Neuralgia, and all disturbances of the digestive or nervous system. Its Wonderful Blood- making, Tissuerbuilding and Church Bulletins. The Church of the Divine Humanity, New Jerusalem, Atlantic and Utica streets, morning service, 10:45 o'clock. Sunday-school at 12 o'clock.

Church of Our Father (Unitarian), Dela-4 ware avenue, near Huron street. Ser- vice at 11 A. with sermon by the minister, Rev. Frederic C. Brown.

Sunday-school at 12:15 P. M. North Presbyterian Church, Main street, near Chippewa -Rev. Edwin H. Dickinson, D.

pastor. Services at 10:45 A. special Easter music; and 7:45 P. sermon by Rev. Ernest F.

Hall of New York. Asbury M. E. Church, Pearl and Chippewa streets. Frank S.

Rowland, the pastor, will Topic, speak at 10:30 A. M. the and 7:45 "Lessons from Empty Great musical programme at evening service. Blessed Hope Mission, 321 Lafayette avenue, corner Hoyt street. Rev.

A. P. Moore will preach Sunday evening at 7:30. Subject, "'The Resurrection of Christ, a Proof of Ours." All made welcome. Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Lafayette and Elmwood avenues. The Rev. William Young Chapman, pastor, Services at 10:45 A. M. and 7:45 P.

M. The pastor will occupy the pulpit. Plymouth Methodist Episcopal Church, corner Jersey and Plymouth ave. Rev. W.

C. Wilbor, D.D., pastor, will preach at 10:30 on "Christ's At 7:30. Cantata by the choir. Early service at 7 A. M.

The Christian and Missionary Alliance will hold their regular meeting in the chapel, 366 East Eagle street, on Sunday at 3:30 P. M. Mr. Charles W. Bradley will give the Easter message.

All are cordially Invited. Spiritualism--The Christian Spiritualists hold services at their church, corner Allen and Park streets, near Elmwood avenue, 3 and 7:45. Lecture and tests. All are welcome. Silver collection.

0. Matthews, pastor and medium. Lovejoy Street Methodist. Rev. Conrad Hooker, pastor.

Morning sermon subject, "The Birthday of Hope': concert at 7:30: special music and decorations. Sacrament of baptism for children and infants administered at morning service. Ripley Memorial M. E. Church.

Rev. E. E. Fairchild, pastor. An Easter missionary programme will be rendered by the Sunday-school at 10:30 A.

M. In the evening the pastor will preach on the "Resurrection. Special Easter music. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services, Sunday 10:30 A.

7:45 P. Subject: "Doctrine of Wednesday 8 P. M. at Church Edifice, Jersey street, near Prospect aenue. Reading room, 180 Elmwood aenue, corner North street.

First Spiritual Church, corner Prospect avenue and Jersey street. Lyman C. Howe will lecture morning and evening: lyceum at 12 o'clock. Dr. Nellie C.

Moster will give messages after the Sunday evening service and conduct the Wednesday evening services. Westminster Presbyterian Church. Delaware avenue, above North street. Rev. Samuel Van Vranken Holmes, pastor: Rev.

Charles Gillette Burd, pastor's assistant. Morning service at 10:45, vesper service at 4:30, with sermons by the pastor, Sunday-school at 12:10. Easter Sunday begins at Cedar Street Baptist by a 'Sunrise Praise Service." Morning worship at 10:30, followed by School Celebration." Sermons: "Our Hope," "Broken baptism; Strength producing Elements all Spring Medicines. Ozomulsion Does Not It Provides Perfect Nutrition, of Health To prove its great Trial Bottle Free By Mail will be sent, prepaid, to any reader of this paper on request It is the Kind Phy, sicians Use and Prescribe, and Druggists sell in Extra Large Bottles, weighing over Two Pounds, for One Dollar. Write by Postal Card or Letter, giving your name snd full address street and number, Ozomulsion Food Con 98 Pine Street, New York.

special music. Extra meetings Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Delaware Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, corner Tupper. Charles Edward Locke, D.D., pastor, will preach, at 10:30, "The Easter Christ's Command His Followers." At 7:30, "Our All-Victorious Easter Sunday-school exercises Easters music. All cordially invited.

Special An Easter service for men only, at the Y. M. C. A. Hall, on Sunday, April 12, at P.

M. An Inspiring address by the Rev. H. Wyse Jones, pastor of the Cedar Street Baptist Church, on the subject, "A Great Prayer of Three Words." Solos- by Mr. Percy S.

Truesdell. Do not miss this splendid service. Come early for a seat. All men welcome. Prospect Avenue Baptist Church (corner Georgia street), G.

G. Johnson, pastor. Morning service 10:30. Sermon on "He is or "Where Christ is to be Found Evening service 7:45, the Sunday-school participating with its Easter Music. Serman on "'Risen With Christ.

Our life in Him Alone." A cordial invitation to all. Grace M. E. Church, Michigan street. Byron H.

Stauffer, pastor. Early service at 7 morning service at 10:30 A. M. make it the Monarch ol "TINKER" with disease. which is the Foundation medicinal food value, a large MARK TRADE Subject of sermon, "Death Swallowed up in Special music.

Evening service at 7:30 P. M. Easter programme by the choir. Subject of sermon, "He is Risen; Go Quickly and Tell." Our ant Monday Evening programme Includes a stereopticon lecture on Bunyan's "PIlgrim's with magnificent colored views. At the Dearborn Street Baptist Church, the pastor, Rev.

J. C. Taylor, will preach sermons appropriate to the day, and the I following Easter music will be presented by the chorus choir, under Sheridan. the direction of Mr. Edward J.

No Dominion." Morning service: "Death Has More J. B. Herbert; "'Christ Our Passover." E. H. Packard.

Evening service: "Now Is Christ J. P. Vance; "Easter Hymn," baritone solo and chorus, E. S. Lorenz: "Glory Be to God," soprano sola and chorus, E.

L. Ashford. Only $29.00 to New Orienns and 'Return Via Erie R. April 11th, 12th and 13th, to meeting National Manufacturers' Association. Full information City Ticket Office, 309 Main street.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.